Chapter 1

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POV | Ryujin

I found myself at a bar, drinking helplessly to all the shit that's been going on in my life. Drowning myself with the strong alcohol, I thought about how my parents disowned me for being gay. What can you expect from a female alpha? I'm not gonna mate with some male omega. No way in hell.

I growled, setting down the bottle. I couldn't help but notice all the people in here. Their scents seeking through the atmosphere. All sorts of omegas, betas, and alphas like me. I had been to this bar before, knew the bartender from college, and just found myself here every night.

"I'm gonna have to cut you off.." Heejin, the beautiful bartender I knew came up to me. Too bad she's an alpha. If she was an omega, I would've made her mine by now. "Cut me off?" I squinted my eyes, looking at the glasses that I had emptied. "Ryujin-ah... How are you gonna get home?" The older cared about me.

"I don't give a shit. It's not like some cop is gonna pull me over at this time." Heejin said, "Actually you'd be surprised at how many cops patrol the area around here. Mainly because of the robbers, drug dealers, and people like you driving while drunk." I shook my head, spitting.

"Ryujin.. look, you need to take care of yourself. Just because your parents don't accept you, doesn't mean you shouldn't care for yourself anymore." I sighed, knowing the pretty girl was right. Heejin patted my shoulder, "You should go home and get some rest."

I looked at her, suddenly sniffing and feeling the heat of an omega. "Do you smell that?" I changed the subject, feeling it get stronger. "I already have a girlfriend, Ryujin." She said and started picking up the bottles. The scent was driving me insane.

"If you're so interested, why don't you go find it?" Heejin asked. I slid out of my chair, tumbling a bit but making my way through the crowd of people. I already saw alphas moving towards the scent. I could already taste the scent in my mouth. I was hungry.

I found the omega. The beautiful, stunning, cat-eyed girl with dirty blonde hair. "S-so hot.." She mumbled under her hot breath and asked for another drink. I smirked, getting closer. Then a guy came up to her, sniffing. I quickly jumped in, growling, and gritted my teeth, "Back off." The girl flinched, trying to move away but I grabbed her wrist harshly, sniffing that alpha's scent made me upset.

I dragged the omega outside and pinned her with my dominant hand against the wall in the alley. I wrapped my other arm around her waist, feeling the warmth, making my body go crazy. I was starving now. I moved her hair out of the way, sniffing the sweet and warm scent in her neck. "P-please!!" She cried in this little voice. I could tell she wasn't tamed. I wanted her so bad.

"Oh gosh! What have I gotten myself into.. I don't need to be threatened by some alpha.." She mumbled quietly. I lifted her chin, and said in a raspy voice, "Some alpha?" The omega looked terrified and tried breaking free from my grip. "No, you made me hungry, sweet omega. I need to mate with you." She whimpered, making puppy eyes, "Please let me go sweet alpha!"

"Don't use my names.." I caressed her chin, feeling the softness of her skin. I wanted to taste it. I wanted to mark it. "I-I promise I didn't mean to be in heat.. I just needed something to cool me down.." I gripped her wrist again, "You know what ends it, sweet omega." The omega melted at my words, her cheeks giving off heat, leaving them red and pink tinted.

"P-please alpha.." She gave a little push to my hand. I finally bit her neck and tasted the sweetness, loving the feeling of sensation and want, rule over my body. My dominance ruling her. She titled her head, giving me more access. My hands ran up her skirt as my teeth sunk into the omega's neck.

I felt her heart pound as our bodies were pushed up against each other. Her hard and erected nipples could be felt against mine even though she had a bra on. I made a dark mark, wanting everyone to know this omega was mine. I pulled my teeth out, seeing the blood and her knees shaking in the cold of the night.

Even the cold couldn't cool down her heat. I picked the omega up, taking her to my car. She shook, "A-alpha.. please.." The omega pushed on me. I shoved her in the back of the car with myself on top and planted wet sloppy kisses on her neck. I looked into her eyes with my lustful and dominating look.

"Tell me your name.." She furrowed her eyebrows, "Hwang Yeji.." I stroked her hair, "Shin Ryujin. Welcome to the family Hwang." Yeji moaned when I made another mark on her neck. "Ah~!" That moan was music to my ears. I slid my hand up and down her thigh, feeling the wetness through her panties.

I hovered over Yeji, getting on the strap in the back of my car which was loaded with my cum from the over the other day. "H-how are you an alpha if you're a girl.." She looked at me innocently. I ripped the skirt off, making her whimper. "You don't have to be a girl to be an alpha, this is how I was born, Hwang. Why are you an omega huh?" Her legs shook and pressed together, not giving me access to her panties.

She was silent to that question. "Open them.." I demanded and hissed. The omega whimpered, "I-I don't know you.." I pulled her up by the collar of her shirt, "I'm taming you, now open your fucking legs before you make me starve." She didn't open them.

I slapped her face, and gripped my hand around her neck, making her cough and choke. I nibbled her ear, "Open them, sweet omega." Yeji opened them, saying in a raspy voice, "L-let go of me!" I took my hand off and ripped her panties off. Before I would get to her pussy, I kissed her soft lips and marked them with little bites as we made out.

I loved those cat eyes so fucking much that it made me wanna be close to her face. That's why I could wait on devouring her pussy. She squirmed during the kiss, her body trembling. "Ah~! It hurts~!" I figured she got cramps from her heat. "T-too hot! Help me alpha~!" The omega cried.

I growled, letting a smirk form on my lips, and said, "And you wanted me to go.." She yelled, "Help me goddamnit! I can't take it anymore!" That was the first time I heard her cuss. Kinda hot. "Be nice.." I clicked my tongue, wanting to tease the omega. "Ugh! I can just go to another alpha you know!" I pinned her back down, "Oh not so fast, sweet omega. I am your only alpha."

Author's note:

What do you guys think so far??

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