Chapter 6

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POV | Ryujin

"Well, I fucked up.." I sadly laid back on the bed, "And she sure loved saying the word 'fucking' for some reason." I sighed, resting my hands behind my head, hearing the showerhead turn on.

I got jealous, okay? We're not actually together but she was still tamed by me. I wasn't gonna let any alpha, blood-related or not, get near my omega. I didn't want their scent on my sweet girl. I wanted them to smell my scent all over her and know that she belongs to me.

But again, I was jealous of her fucking brother? I mean what is wrong with me? Maybe it is hormones. "Ugh, I need a drink." I got up, going into the kitchen, and chugged a bottle of tequila, leaning back on the counter. I loved the power of it in my mouth. That's why I loved drinking so much.

I forget about everything and just enjoyed the alcohol wipe me out. "Mmh.." I moaned, tumbling when my feet ran into each other. I popped open another bottle, chugging it down, but it got taken out of my mouth from... a half-naked Yeji? My eyes were so blurry I couldn't really see. It looked like she was in a bra and underwear but nothing else.

"Don't look at me!" And then boom. I fell to the ground face first, and my eyes shut.

"R-Ryujin!" The omega struggled to drag me back to our bedroom. I opened my eyes, not remembering what happened until she murmured, "She has to fucking drink and pass out when I'm in the shower? I swear to god I'll kill myself if I have to deal with this bitch every day."

So I passed out? That explains why my head hurts A LOT. "You're lucky you didn't break something," Yeji hissed, putting me on the bed, and putting a cold washcloth on my temple. My body shook from the pain, "I-it hurts.." The omega put a blanket over me and held my hand, "Maybe you shouldn't have drunk 35 ounces of alcohol then." She squeezed my hand, making me feel her pulse.

The omega tried her best to keep my head cold and my body warm. She was basically giving me a hug which gave me an excuse for my hands that were on her bra. She didn't care because she probably figured I was extremely drunk, which I was. Yeji said, "That could've killed you Ryujin." I sniffed the omega's hair, the scent of mine and hers mixed. I loved the feeling of her on me and caring for me, despite the pain.

Yeji fully got on me, and nuzzled her head in my neck, "Come on.. get warm.." She rubbed my sides, trying her best. Then my inner alpha ruled over the alcohol in my system and used the omega's warmth and strength to heal myself up. I started gagging so I gently laid her next to me and rushed my way to the bathroom.

What an eventful day this has been. And after I was done with my little... incident. I laid back down on the bed to see the half-naked omega asleep. She must be tired. She was lightly snoring so I bet she had a long day too. I got close to her, and kissed her shoulder, "Thank you, sweet omega." Yeji whined and moved a little.

I played with her soft hair, wanting to treat the omega back. She pretty much saved me from that alcohol. And she tried transferring her strength with mine. She may not want to be my wife but I'll just have to prove to her that I am the best option out there. Plus I already tamed her. I then left a soft kiss on her lips, and whispered, "Goodnight, sweet omega."

| Time-Lapse | The next morning

POV | Yeji

I woke up, tired than ever, and stretched out, hitting something with muscles. Oh shit. I was almost naked in bed with Ryujin. Again. Except for this time I had a bra and underwear on which I was thankful for.

And then moments from last night came back. I had heard a loud glass break when I was in the shower, that made me get out, still being extremely mad at Ryujin, but I saw her elbows back on the counter, and drowning that bottle of tequila.

That's where I saw the other bottle on the floor. She literally could've died. She's lucky she has to me to stop her. So I took the bottle down from her mouth and she started looking at me!! I was almost naked, you know?! But again, she was drunk.

Before I went to bed when Ryujin was.. getting sick in the bathroom, which I probably have to clean up, she's gonna make me the housewife, I know it, Chaeryeong texted me.

Chaery: Hey just so you know, Ryujin has been drinking and I tried to get her not to drive home but she insisted that she wasn't that drunk. Just.. be careful okay?

Yeji: Well it already happened. She came in and bit my neck when saw me with my BROTHER.

Yeji: And then I yelled at her and went in the shower. When I was in the shower I heard glass and there she was drinking two bottles of tequila.

Chaery: Unnie! You have to be careful. Ryujin has a drinking problem.

Yeji: Good to know. We can meet Thursday so I can tell you what's it like being in a house with an alpha 24/7 🙄

Chaery: Alright!

So Thursday it is. At that time, Ryujin crushed my head with a pillow. I groaned, trying to push it off me. Now she was on top of me with her head laying... on the pillow?! What the fuck? I was looking for a place to punch when I felt her... abs?!!! She has abs?! HOT!! No! No! Not hot! Just... impressive. I was now playing with her abs because they looked so ho-impressive.

The pillow slipped off me, and now I had the alpha drooling on my face. I tilted my head, "G-gross.. get off of me..." I tried pushing her. The blanket wrapped around us was not helping. And especially her abs-I mean her hands around me like a teddy bear. Well, I just let it happen. The poor alpha got sick last night and didn't have any strength. Did I just call her poor? Am I caring for her?! No! Yeji! I pushed her off at that second.

Ryujin groaned, furrowing her eyebrows, and then opened her eyes, seeing me. "Oh! Uhm I'm sorry.." She bit her lip, getting off me. "I-I'm a lousy sleeper." I huffed, "Could tell." I got up, going over to our walk-in closet, looking for an outfit. I had work today.

"Where are you going?" Ryujin said while holding her head. "What did I say about getting up in my business? I didn't ask you where you going last night," The alpha says, "Well that's because I told you." Although, I should know about her, based on her drinking issues. "Hey I'm sorry about last night, I was drinking and I never meant to-"

I interrupted, "It's fine, let's just move on, okay? You need to be more careful with your drinking. So that's why I am setting rules for our.. arrangement. They can't rule everything, you know." Ryujin laughed, hitting her thigh, "You?! You make rules?! Hahahaha!" I got angry and stepped out of the closet, eyeing her. "What? You gonna give me a mom lecture?"

I gasped, and went over to her, punching those hot abs. Not because I wanted to feel them again, right? "Ow.. what was that for?!" Ryujin pouted, looking at me. "For being rude. And yes I am setting rules." Ryujin huffed, "What kind of rules? Curfew and all that shit? I'm not a teenager anymore."

I stepped out again, "Well that starts it. Curfew is at midnight. If you go cross that.. then.. you will get a punishment! Not in that way.. but see what I mean?" Ryujin blinked, "Punishment?" I said, "Clean the pool, dishes, do the laundry, etc." Ryujin growled, "The omega is making me, the alpha, do chores?" I said, "I'm not afraid of you."

"Oh really?" The alpha came in while I was changing. "Hey! Privacy here?! That's another rule!" Ryujin pinned me against one of the shelves, forcefully lifting my chin, "See these marks I made on you? Want me to do it again?" She showed her sharp teeth. "N-no.." My little omega voice came out. "Exactly." She backed off, leaving me afraid. Okay, maybe I am afraid of the alpha.

Ryujin stripped half-naked in front of me and got dressed. Not that I was really looking, I was getting dressed too. "Pfft, talk about rules." I grabbed the alpha's arm then got a look that made me tense up. "What?" She asked. "W-why don't we make a deal? You can make rules, and I can make rules. See? That way it's fair. But the rules have to be.. backed up with a reason." The alpha spitted, "Fine." My eyebrows perked up, "Really?"

"Yeah.. deal." She shook my hand and walked out. A little smirk formed on my lips, and I whispered, "Oh, it's game on, alpha. I'm so gonna win by so many points. Watch out, dumb alpha.." I did a quiet evil laugh. "Aye, we getting breakfast or what?" I heard her voice. I did my makeup and then responded, "Coming!"

Author's note:

The game is on 😈

Who will win?

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