Chapter 7

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POV | Ryujin

The omega darted into the room, jumping on my back, which startled me. I quickly held her legs up so she wouldn't fall. "I don't wanna walk so you take me!" She yelled in an obnoxious voice.

"Stop yelling! Here, that's a rule! No more yelling because it hurts my ears." Yeji huffed, smacking my shoulder, "I can yell if I want to!" I growled, "I'm the alpha, I make the rules." Yeji scoffed, "So just because I'm an omega, I don't have power?" I put her down, "Exactly."

"We made a deal, you know!" Yeji threw her fists. I grabbed that hand, "I don't give a fuck about deals. I don't even wanna marry you! That's why I'm getting a divorce once this whole fucking thing ends! I want to be free and drink all I want without you interrupting me!" Oh god. That just came out of my mouth. None of that was true. It just sparked my inner alpha.

I did want to marry her. I wanted to make her fall in love with me. "You just want to die from your drinking?" Yeji looked at me. "Sure, why not?" I slammed the front door, deciding to go with this plan. I was gonna play this game with her. I was gonna show her who the alpha was. I was gonna win!

"Game on, sweet omega." I spit at her name, and then heard the door open. "You're a fucking dick." Yeji says while going to my truck. "Get in the damn car and shut your ass up!" I smacked her ass, pushing her a bit. "Don't touch me!" Yeji yelled, getting in the truck. That ass feels nice to touch. Oh please.. control the hormones Ryujin.

I got in the drivers seat, putting my hand at the top of the steering wheel. Yeji was awful quiet. Maybe my words did get to her. I then heard her mumble, "You need to stop drinking, you seriously could've died." I glared, "Why do you care?" Yeji sat up, "Am I not aloud to care about someone's well being?"

"Does it mean you like me?" Yeji hit my shoulder, "I will never like you. And you're just gonna divorce me so I don't really care." I perked my eyebrows, a smirk forming. So she does care about me. She doesn't want me to get that divorce, I can tell.

"We'll make you breakfast at the bakery." I suddenly said, "I'll teach you how to bake eventually." Yeji nodded, making me notice the off behavior about her. She was really affected by the divorce threaten. Aren't all people? I put my hand on hers, and intertwined it, "And.. we.. still have to go on that date tonight."

I totally made up the date thing. I just really wanted to try things with her. "We're not in public," She says, looking at our hands. "You seem sad." I said it, not being afraid to do so. "I'm fine," The omega hissed, taking her hand back. Right then, I pulled into the bakery parking lot.

"Be nice to my parents, okay?" Yeji punched my ribcage, "Shut up." I chuckled, getting out of the trunk. "But seriously, we have to act like we get along." I whispered to her when we were about to enter. "Ugh, fine." Yeji was defeated and laid her head on my shoulder.

I held hands with her, walking in like a couple. "Oh look at my two new daughters!" My mom came rushing over us. I bit my lip, looking at the omega next to me. "Hello, Mrs. Shin." So formal. But damn is she hot with that side profile. I quickly went in for a kiss on her cheek, and said, "Hi mother." Yeji's eyes went directly to mine, and she moved a bit.

I was whipped over her. "Look at you two!! Already getting along.." I know she hated saying it because she hated two girls being together. That's what made me kiss her soft lips, "Yes we are." I backhugged her, loving to see the disgust of my mom's face. Yeji was hating this too, I could tell by the stabbing nails in my hand. I whispered in the omega's ear, "Go with it, my mom's a homophobe."

Yeji had a little smirk on, and laid her head back in my neck, instantly turning me on. I smiled, cuddling her, and watched my dad come out. "Oh hi.. Ryujin.. and Yeji.." My mother had this fake smile on like she wanted to kill me. Why was she so against my love for girls? I loved every moment of this because I could have my hands on the girl I loved.

"Hi Mr. Shin. My fiancée and I are wanting to have breakfast here if that's alright with you." Damnit, that business voice and professionalism made me want to mate with her again. Why am I getting horny at 11 am? My hand roamed up her skirt, grabbing that ass, and loving the soft squish. Yeii widened her eyes, quickly taking my hand off.

Damnit!! This girl was driving me insane. My inner alpha was pushing me to mate. The omega in front of me then pulled away. "Sure.." He responded, going back to the kitchen. I bit my lip, watching my mother come close to me as Yeji went to the kitchen with my dad. "You're.. really.. in love huh?" I glared, "Why do you care? Isn't that supposed to be the point of this marriage? Or do you just not like me with a girl?"

"N-no.." My mom stuttered. I sighed, going to Yeji. I put my arm around her and whispered in her ear, "She's so homophobic that it gets on my nerves. Please save me from killing her." Yeji looked at me and put a hot cinnamon roll in my mouth, "That'll cheer you up." I coughed, covering my mouth while chewing. And that was the first time I saw Yeji smile.

My heart was fluttering for her. How could she look so precious? Yeji then put her thumb on the crack of my lips, wiping the cinnamon that got on it. I looked into her eyes, never feeling this soft and caring feeling from her. I continued to chew with my eyes glued onto her. "You're really messy!" Yeji laughed, and wiped more cinnamon that got on my mouth.

I smiled, showing my whisker dimples. This wasn't an act anymore. My parents weren't even around. Yeji softly said, "Well they're right out of the oven, and you sure liked it." I gave a side hug to her, and said, "Thank you.." Yeji rubbed my back, "I know what it feels like.. it's gonna be okay Ryu." The suddenly nickname for me made me perk my eyebrows.

Wait.. she.. she was.. gay? Or a fellow queer? Yeji laid her head on my shoulder, "I know it all... the disownment and the you're gonna find a man. Now look at me mother, I'm marrying a woman that you arranged for me." I gulped, and listened. Yeji sighed, pulling away, "I have to get to work.. see you.. tonight?"

I licked my lips, still trying to process that whole thing, "Yeah.." Yeji waved, going through the back door, "Bye.." I blushed, "B-bye fiancée." Yeji chuckled, and closed the door. "What the fuck does this cinnamon roll have in it?! I just met a whole new Yeji.." Chaeryeong opened the door, "Yeah, and you'll like her."

Author's note:

Well Ryujin like Yeji?


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