Chapter 24

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POV | Yeji

"Babe.." I lifted her chin, wondering why she was so mad. If that girl really got my Ryu so worked up then I'm gonna kill her. Ryujin gave me those eyes. Those eyes told me she's hiding something. She always hides things from me and I don't get it. I thought we were in a relationship. Wait.. we're not.

I bit my lip, backing off. If she wants to play secret games then where's the start line? I sighed, "Never mind, just don't tell me.." I looked at the bowl of cereal and just ate it as she told me to. The fact that she didn't even say anything to me after that just made me upset. I got up once I was finished and put the bowl in the sink, starting to wash it. Ryujin did the same, putting her bowl with mine on the drying rack.

I grumbled, walking out of the kitchen, "Are you going to the Halloween store with me or not?" Ryujin answers, "Yes." I went upstairs, changing into something comfortable which Ryujin again did the same. Was she just gonna ignore me now? "Don't.. touch my computer again.. okay?" Are we still stuck on that? Geez. I did wonder what that video was about though.

"I won't come near any of your stuff if you're gonna get so mad," I emphasized with my hands.

Ryujin frowned, "I'm sorry.."

I clenched my fists, "I don't care anymore, let's just get this over with, your dad wants me to meet with him today."

Ryujin blinked, "What? Just you and him?"

I nodded, "Pretty sure that's what he meant."

"Why?" Ryujin looked uneasy like last night.

"Didn't give a reason, why are you so bothered?" I eyed her down, wanting to see the alpha weak. I've still haven't found the alpha's weak spot and yet she's found mine. Yelling. When someone's yells at me like that, I fall weak. Or maybe it's just Ryujin as my weak spot. I hate my past too. If anyone tries to mention it, I stay quiet and get weak. I don't get why omegas have to be weak. Why can't I be strong like an alpha?

The alpha scratched her head, "I-I just wanted to know, that's all."

"What? Do you think he'll embarrass you?" I perked my eyebrow, showing off my mysterious look.

"Uh.. I-I don't know.." Maybe her dad was her weakness. I grabbed her chin, pulling her close, hissing, "What's going on?"

Ryujin grabbed my arm, "Hey I'm the alpha, stop doing that."

"I don't care about what we are Ryujin. I need to know what you're fucking hiding."

Ryujin pinned me against the door, "I'm not hiding anything. My friend just gave me some news, okay?"

I wrapped my arms around her neck, "Then why can't you tell me what she said?"

The alpha leaned in close, making me feel her hot breath flow into my atmosphere. Sexy. She seductively lifted my chin, her hands finding their way to my waist, "I'd rather keep it to myself."

I kissed her harshly and sexually frustratedly whispered, "Fucking tell me." Ryujin's warmth in her body met mine through our touch.

Ryujin titled my chin, leaving warm sloppy kisses all down my neck, making me feel stiff which let her continue. God, she can manipulate me. I let out a soft moan, "Ohh~" I could feel the exhale of her smirk. I let the shorter explore my neck as always, letting her mark me, and show her territory.

I rolled my eyes back when bit me, making more moans escape from my mouth, "Ohhh~ f-fuck.. R-Ryu~" The alpha wanted to go to the other side of my neck which made me give the access by tilting my head. "Good girl." I melted at the name, making me feel my wetness.

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