Chapter 10

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POV | Yeji

Ryujin came downstairs and kneeled next to me, looking directly in my eyes while holding my hand, "How are you feeling?" I whisper, "Better." She was really good at this thing. Taking care of people, if you ask. The alpha gave a sad smile and said, "I used to have those kind of attacks when Chaeryeong and I were friends.. I was starving myself to look more healthy and fit. I wanted to be cool and have people drool over me. Looking back at it, I was pretty stupid."

So that's where she got those abs. Damn.. I don't know what I should say because I love those abs. "Uh.. yeah.." I hesitated and stared at her muscles, "You're pretty strong.." I mumbled. Ryujin chuckled, "Well, do you just want to cancel today?" I shook my head, "No.. I'm fine.." She tilted her head, "You sure?"

"Y-yeah.." I showed a smile. Ryujin then give me this soft hug, "I promise I'll be more careful not to make you choke haha." I punched her shoulder, "Yeah! That hurt you know!" Ryujin rolled her eyes playfully and kissed my cheek a million times. I pouted, and crossed my arms. "You're so mean, alpha."

The alpha says, "That's my personality, sweet omega." I hate that nickname. Well.. it kinda was true.. we did have nicknames for each other. "Dumb alpha" and "Sweet omega" I pecked her cheek, "Let's go on that date." Wait.. why am I being nice to her? Hwang Yeji! Pull it together! Ryujin sat up and blew a kiss, "Let's go fiancée." I blushed, and bit my lip.

She's such a flirt.. but I'm kinda here for it. FUCK! YEJI! I sat up, looking at her. "I'm gonna get dressed. I'll bring you some clothes. And Chaeryeong left by the way." I nodded, watching her go upstairs. She's so sweet.. I have to admit it. But yesterday, she was a bitch. She threatened a divorce on me. I mean what's the point of getting married and getting all those customers and then divorcing? No one will want to come back.

She's dumb if she doesn't see that. That's why I call her dumb alpha. I shook my head at it, waiting for the alpha to come back. My jaw dropped when she came back in a sports bra, exposing her abs. I blinked a couple times, just staring directly at her body. The body that was on top of me last night. The body who belonged to the woman I'm marrying.

"Are you choking again?" Ryujin raised her eyebrows, coming over to me, and massaged my shoulders. I closed my mouth, my cheeks feeling like they were gonna explode. "Huh?" The alpha tugged on my hair, making me look up at her. One word. Hot. "Does your throat hurt or something?" Ryujin stroked her hair back.

Fuck me. I mean.. I looked down, "Uhhh.. I-I don't.. know.." Ryujin chuckled, raising her eyebrows, "Okay... well here's your clothes." She set them on my lap. "I'll.. step out." Ryujin said, going over to the bathroom, and closing the door. "I need holy water.. I mean if I've gotta look at those abs all day, I'm gonna kill myself," I said while getting dressed. She picked out.. couple matching clothes? Oh my god.

"I'm done.." I grumbled. Ryujin walked out and smiled, backhugging me, "Ah you look so pretty.." I huffed, "In a sports bra? I thought you don't want alphas hitting on me." Ryujin kissed my ear lobe, "Well that's because I'm an alpha hitting on you." I bit my lip, "S-stop.." The alpha chuckled and smirked, "Oh don't worry, you're wearing a jacket."

She slid a jacket around me, pulling me close to her side, "No one will see your body, but me, and that's how it stays." I scoffed, "I'm aloud to show my body off." Ryujin says, "Not when you're my fiancée-" The door opened right as we were ready to open it. "LIAAAA!" Ryujin yelled, taking her arm off me, and hugged the other girl. My blood was boiling. That was my alpha.

"Ryujin!!" The girl says and kisses my alpha on the cheek. I clenched my fists, my nose twitching when I saw her hand touch her abs when they hugged. Bitch. Get away from my fiancée. "Babe." I said, not being able to stand them hugging for any longer. "Babe?" Ryujin looked at me while still having her hands on that girl's waist.

I gritted my teeth. "Ah, is this your fiancée?" The girl asked and that's when I studied her face. Chaeryeong's ex-girlfriend making a move on my girl. Bitch. Such a bitch. "Y-Yeah.." Ryujin looked at me weirdly like telepathically saying, "What is your problem?" I twitched my eye, looking at the alpha, "Can you get me some ginger ale?"

"Why can't you get it yourself?" Ryujin says. "Be nice to your fiancée!" I pointed to the kitchen. Ryujin rolled her eyes, and kissed the girl's cheek, making me want to punch Ryujin, "I'll be back.." The alpha went off. I grabbed Lia's hand, "Watch it, bitch. I'm not gonna let you touch my fiancée or be near her, especially after what you did to my best friend-" Lia interrupted, "Oh you watch it, bitch. Ryujin's my ex-girlfriend and bestfriend-"

I slapped her face, about to say something when Ryujin dropped the glass of ginger ale, and yelled, "Hwang Yeji!" She yelled my full name? Who does she think she is? Ryujin pulled me back, making me angry. I growled, squirreling in her arms, ready to fight Lia. "Stop it!" Ryujin yelled and hit my waist. "Don't touch me!" I smacked Ryujin's face and ran out of there. "Dumb stupid piece of shit was exes with my fiancée? I thought I was the only one.."

Ryujin ran in the room and said, "Hey?! What is wrong?!" I curled up in a ball, realizing that I had got super jealous. "Just go away.." I sniffled, hiding my head in my knees. The alpha sat next to me and laid her head on my shoulder, not saying a word. "I said go away.." My lip trembled as I said it. I smelled her scent on her and it made me pissed.

Ryujin said, "Are you.. thinking me and Lia had a thing?" I wiped my tears, "Well you're her ex.." The alpha put her hand on my thigh, pushing my legs down, and gently picked me up, setting me on her lap. "I look ugly, don't look at me.." I looked the other way. "You're beautiful Yeji.. and I promise we never had a thing. I found out she was an alpha and just used me for stuff and we never.. mated,"

She sighed, "Along with all the other girlfriends I had. But Lia's changed, that's why she's my best friend." Ryujin pushed my hair back behind my ear. I'm such an idiot. Even though she hurt Chaeryeong, I was more pissed about Ryujin and her dating but.. apparently.. I'm the only girl that she's mated with. I stood up, embarrassingly wiping my tears, "I-I.. I'm gonna put on makeup.. we can go in a few minutes.."

| Time-Lapse | 1 hour later

We hadn't talked the whole way there. And now we were sitting across from each other, eating food. I blankly stared at her abs, because that was the first place to stare, and I just kept eating. Ryujin took a deep breath and then said, "I'm sorry.."

"Stop apologizing.." I respond, now looking up at her. Ryujin gave a small nod and says, "Did this date ruin your meeting with Ryeongchae or.. whatever you call her?" I sighed, "I honestly don't know and I don't want to see her anymore." Ryujin put down her fork, "This isn't because of me, right?" Yes, it was because of you. "No.. I just don't feel like talking to her, that's all."

The alpha nodded, "Well... when me and your mother were talking this morning, she started talking about your brother and some dog-" I interrupted, "Hongsam?" She nodded again, "Yeah, anyways your brother said that he forgot about dropping him off and said he'll do it tonight." I sighed, placing my hand on my chin. "What's wrong?" Ryujin asked softly.

"Don't worry about it," I said, leaning back in my chair. Ryujin looked around and then said, "Wow, she's hot." I crossed my arms, "Hello? I'm right here." She said, "Well you're not interested in me so.." And the damn alpha got up, going over to that girl, getting her number. Right in front of me. "That's not your girl?" The girl asked. "Oh don't worry about her."

I gasped, and then growled. "Fine, if this is how you're gonna play, then I'm gonna fucking win, bitch. I'm tired of losing, this time I'll win." I murmured, standing up, and leaving her with the bill. I even took her car. "Ha, I'll never hear the end of this. You started it, get ready to lose.." I put on my poker face, and put on the song, "Crazy" by 4minute.


Author's note:

Jealous Yeji coming through.... 👀


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