Chapter 17

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POV | Yeji

It was quiet. I was in the back seat, laying down because I told her I wanted to sleep but I wasn't. I was just staring at the car ceiling, listening to the car drive on the highway.

I'm dumb. I'm the dumb one now. And she's the sweet one. "Yeji.." I heard my name. "Are you awake?" The alpha asked. I nuzzled my head in my pillow, "Mm.. yes?" Ryujin looked back at me, "I'm sorry, let's just.. forget this happened and just move on.. okay?" I swallowed hard. Does that mean.. she'll move on from her feelings? No.. I couldn't let that happen.

"Okay?" Ryujin perked her eyebrow. "I-I.. sure.." She nodded, shaking my hand, "I'm sorry.." The alpha said before going back to driving. My heart hurt. Was this saying goodbye to our romantic times? The times when we cuddle in bed and I would hear her whisper things she loves about me in my ear? A tear fell down my cheek.

"I-I just thought.. I could relax you somehow.. make you fall in love with me.. and things would go as our parents want it to.. but you don't want that.. so I won't bother you anymore." I could feel the pain in her voice. I wanted to say, "No, I do want that." but I didn't have the strength to. I shut my eyes and quickly put my earbuds in, the saddest playlist turning on which made me wanna cry even more.

I put my pillow over my head, not wanting to show that I was silently sobbing. The pains in my chest made me think I was dying. She did break my heart. "I.. I respect your decision. No one wants me but a gold digger. That's how it's always been." No. No! I want you! I want you Ryujin! "No one wants the real Ryujin.." She whispered, making me her the pain again. She's just making me feel worse.

"No one wants my kind heart and care. That's why I fucked myself up with alcohol and shit and here I am fucking marrying a girl that doesn't even want me and I have no other choice! Why is my life like this?! Why is fucking like this?!" She banged on the steering wheel, making the car honk. "Oh shut up dickhead!" She yelled to other cars that honked back. "I'll honk all the fuck you want because what is there to do?!" She angrily slammed the steering wheel, pressing hard on the horn.

"R-Ryujin stop!" My little voice cried. Ryujin wiped her tears harshly and her lip trembled, "Oh god save me." I was speechless. I felt like I couldn't say anything. I couldn't help her. But I could. I just chose not to. Am I a sick person for that? And no we were home getting out of the car, taking our bags inside, not even caring that both of us had red-faced and were crying.

"I'm leaving, goodbye!" Ryujin slammed the front door, leaving me crying on the couch. Is this all a game? A game to make me feel horrible and try to ask her to be mine but only for her to decline and say you missed your chance and go on?

POV | Ryujin

I smirked, "Gotcha bitch. Those acting classes really paid off." I said as I got in my car. "We'll what happens there. This is what she gets for being a bitch to me and denying and rejecting my love. You'll be begging for it. I know it. Maybe this whole plan thing will work, after all, Ryeongchae. She's such a good friend.."

"Which is why I have the perfect plan to top my original plan." I gave an evil laugh, "Hwang Yeji, I will make you fall in love with me so hard that you'll obsess over me and want me to call you sweet omega forever because that's all that you'll want from me, which is to be fucked and called a sweet omega." Maybe I'm going too deep with this.. but I felt alive. I felt like I was gonna win her with this.

"I showed you kind, sweet, caring alpha but maybe it's time to spice things up if you didn't fall for that." I smirked again, "This is gonna be fun, sweet omega. Too fun."

Author's note:


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