Chapter 25

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POV | Ryujin

She'll hate me. And I'll/already hate myself. Why did I agree? Why was I gonna do this to her? Why did I even try to do something to her in the first place? Now she'll never trust me. She'll think I'm still the old player, fuckgirl, drinker, liar, Ryujin.

| Time Lapse | At the Halloween store

POV | Yeji

"Baby why aren't you speaking to me.." Ryujin took a deep breath, "My throat hurts." That wasn't it. She was still fucking hiding it. I made puppy eyes and screamed when one of the animatronics turned on. I blushed, holding onto my sturdy fiancée, watching the others stare at me. "It's just a clown bub," Ryujin says, taking me over to it. I hid behind her, "I-I'm scared." She laughed, "It's not real Yeji. Geez you're so jumpy." I pouted, "Says the one who jumps when my dog climbs on you."

"That dog is scary! You never know when it's coming!" I huffed, "My boobs don't know either." Ryujin glanced back and pulled me to the front, kissing my chest, having everyone stare again. I widened my eyes, moving her head, "Stop it!" I whisper-yelled. She put her hands on my boobs, "I'm just trying to be nice." I quickly pulled her over in aisle where no one was. I slapped her face.

"Ow! What was that for?" Ryujin whined, rubbing her face. "That's what you get for not speaking to me and doing that." She looked down and sighed. "I deserve it" I saw her mouth. I hugged her, "Now kiss my boobs more so no one will see." Ryujin chuckled, her face not completely happy though. She undid my shirt and slid down my bra, starting to kiss my nipples. In fact, they still hurt from her smashing me. Like the dogs not gonna hurt you.

It was easy for me to do this since she was shorter than me. I just covered her head like a baby. Her tongue and lips felt so good, as always. I let out a quiet moan, "Mmh.." Ryujin looked up, whispering, "Let's go over there." She winked. I quickly put up my bra and held my shirt together as we went in the fitting room. "Oh god, I can't believe we're doing this again.."

Ryujin put me on my knees, "Shh.. this'll be fun.." I looked up at the alpha, waiting for her to unzip her pants. Once she did, I saw her pussy up close for the first time. I'm gay. I quickly grabbed her hips, forcing her to lower down to me. I held her thighs, sucking and licking her pussy. This was heaven. She tugged on my hair, and growled, "Suck harder." I gulped, sucking as she wanted, trying hard to pleasure my alpha. She meant everything to me.

"You're such a good omega.." Ryujin praised me, making me melt. "I love that you listen to anything I say, sweet omega." Ryujin! I blushed hard, blinking a few times too. "Mind as well celebrate, for the last time.." She mumbled quietly. What? I stopped my tongue from moving and looked up at her. "Keep going omega." I pulled away, looking at her with furrowed eyebrows. "What?" Ryujin got closer to me.

"Ryujin.. stop lying to me.. please.. what is going on?" She put me on the bench and sat on my face, "Shush and suck me slut." She degraded me and smacked my ass. I don't know which one I like better. Degrading or praising if you ask. Ryujin rode my tongue, smacking me as she did. I got taken advantage of again. I will do anything she asks or wants.

Ryujin moaned, "Fuck.." She humped and gripped my head. Fuck that was hot. I've never heard her moan. I put my hands on her ass and ate her out, trying to be good. She arched her back, "Uhh~ Yeji~" Who knew she could moan so fucking well. I closed my eyes, licking her every spot like she would do to me. I pumped my tongue in and out of her hole, wanting to taste her cum so bad.

The alpha grabbed my throat, "H-harder baby~" I opened my eyes and focused on her clit now, sucking and biting it. Her thighs squeezed my face, "Ohh.. s-shit.." Please moan my name again alpha. "Yeji~!" She moaned loud. Oh fuck that made me wet. Ryujin released into my mouth, making me taste how sweet the alpha was. I wasn't the only sweet one. Her taste made my hormones explode. How could she taste like that?

"Mmh.." She rode my face again. I kissed her clit, looking up at her. Ryujin rubbed her pussy in my face, squirting all over me. Having an alpha fuck herself in your face, yes please. "You're so cute~" I opened my mouth, giving her puppy eyes. Ryujin threw her head back, "I-I could do this forever~" I kissed her pussy more, wanting to please my alpha if that's what she wanted.

"You're so good~ good omega~ oh fuck.." I moved my head back and forth, using my tongue to slide. "S-shit~!" Ryujin came again in my mouth. I could eat pussy forever. I could listen to her deep voice moan forever. I could be with her forever. She pulled away, "That's all I've got.." I pushed her down, getting on top, starting to kiss her passionately. Ryujin kissed me back, switching our positions. I switched them back, hearing her moan in the kiss.

Ryujin flipped us again, kissing me harshly, making tiny moans escape from my mouth. She squeezed my breasts, marking my lips. I gave back into the kiss, fighting with her mouth. She ended up biting me and winning the battle. Damnit. I hate being an omega. I bit her cheek, making her wail like a dog and furrow her eyebrows, falling weak. I flipped us again, wanting to be the leader. Ryujin bit my throat. I fell in her neck, wailing.

She got on top, kissing my neck, "Stop fighting." I winced, feeling blood rush down me. Ryujin growled, "And don't bite me. I am dominant." I wailed and wailed, knowing she hurt me. My inner omega howled for help. Ryujin widened her eyes, immediately nuzzling me, knowing she had hurt me.

(Author's note: Whenever an omega howls, alphas nuzzle and help the omega even if it's theirs or not)

I howled and howled, having tears run down my face. "It's an omega, not a wolf!!" People yelled. Ryujin zipped up her pants and nuzzled more, "B-baby.." The door flew open with the worker who had the keys. "Get off her!" She pushed Ryujin off, Ryujin falling weak. "Oh god!!" The worker yelled, "Get me bandages!!" I howled more. "It's okay, it's okay.." The alpha worker nuzzled me. And that was the last thing I remembered.

| Time Lapse | 2 hours later

I was laying down in my bed, feeling something around my neck. It was a bandage. I took it off, seeing the blood. It had stopped bleeding but I felt oozy and sick to my stomach which meant I had lost some blood. I remember howling my lungs out when.. Ryujin bit me.

That's when she came in, looking at me with a terrified face, and held my hand. She kissed me, nuzzling, "I'm so sorry.." I closed my eyes, nuzzling back, "It was my fault.. I wanted domanice.." Ryujin showed tears in her eyes. I kissed her, "I'm your omega, I'm sorry.." She kissed me back, "I love you.." She said so passionately. "I love you too...." Our foreheads hit hard. I'm still confused.

Author's note:


also another smut before.. (you'll see ^-^)

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