Chapter 14

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POV | Yeji

We were at a beach? Ryujin laid out the blanket and emptied the basket, showing wine, pastries from her bakery, other date-like things, and a Polaroid camera that stuck out to me.

She sat down causing me to sit next to her

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She sat down causing me to sit next to her. The alpha poured the wine into the glasses, and held up hers, "Shall we toast?"

I laughed, "To what?" Ryujin says, "Not killing each other in the time we've been engaged." I held up my glass and we bumped ours and then drank, "Cheers." We both laughed. I laid my head on her shoulder, looking ahead at the beautiful sunset reflecting onto the ocean. "It's beautiful," We both said at the same time. "Jinx! You owe me... a kiss." I widened my eyes, "A kiss?" Ryujin pointed to her lips like a child, "A kiss."

I set down my glass and pursed my lips, placing a soft kiss on hers. "There.." I softly said. Ryujin giggled like a child. "Someone's blushing," I teasingly said while taking a sip of the wine. Damn, she knew the best kind. Ryujin took a picture of me which made me flinch. "Yah!! I don't have any makeup on!" She smiled, taking more pictures of me. "Ryujin!" I hid my face, hearing more clicks.

I laughed as she pushed me down, holding my thigh, as she kept taking pictures. "Yahhhh!!" Ryujin had the brightest smile on and took the camera down. She put a pastry in my mouth when I was about to scold her, "There, cutie." It was good so I couldn't complain. She sat up, making me sit up too. I swallowed, "You could've choked me again, you know!"

Ryujin put her arm around me, "I wouldn't do that." I smiled, watching the waves. "Come on," She got up, grabbing my hand. Ryujin started running which forced me to get up and follow her. The alpha took my heels off along with her shoes and threw them by our picnic blanket. "What are you doing?!" I yelled, looking at the alpha.

Ryujin twirled me in her arms, "You look so pretty in that dress, I couldn't help it." I opened my mouth, again about to say something when she picked me up, making me feel this current way. Ryujin froze, staring into my eyes. I wrapped my arms around her neck so I could hold on. "I-I'm pretty?" Ryujin softened her stare, "Of course.. prettier than the sunset, itself." I blushed, watching as it got darker.

The alpha closed her eyes. I leaned my head in her neck, sniffing the sweetness. Maybe I wasn't the only sweet one. Ryujin nuzzled her head on me, and whispered, "I-I.. hope you like this.." I bit my lip, blushing, "I love it." Ryujin blushed hard, putting me down. The sand and water running through our toes as we held hands.

My heart was racing from the touch and love I was getting. Was I catching feelings for Ryujin? She stroked my hair behind my ear, and then whispered in it, "You are so pretty, sweet omega." I melted at her words.

Author's note :

Small update, posting the next chapter in a few!

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