"Her car was the reason we are brought here today years later and have fallen in loved so madly, she loved that thing and I loved it to."
summers POV -
another year another day to have a good mindset, or at least thats what I tell myself.
starting my day getting ready for a hopefully wonderful day I'm using my first period, 'free period" privilege to my advantage and going to work.
crossing woods care facility....
I walk into a room for a women I've grown quite found of 'Mrs. Novak', she's on of the first period I was assigned to check up on.
I'm more of an assistant here just being the main support for the men and women who come here because their family's couldn't take care of their medical issues well.
mrs. Novak has the same heart condition as me but hers took a dangerous turn making her have heart attacks and seizures one after the other but today she's had a bit of a hard one where she's been contained just in her room from falling and passing out earlier.
as I walk in I make sure to give her a warm greeting with my best smile, " mrs. Novak, how are you doing today?"
"oh sweetie you know your not supposed to call me my last name, please... call me Cathy.", she orders, I don't know how to not be so formal all the time and I know a lot of the people I see prefer their first name but I call her by hers no one else I seem to be comfortable saying that too.
they say she's not meant to make it much longer so I try not to get to attached but she's a weak spot and she knows my whole story about my mother and father to where I got my scars, she even returns it by telling me about her family from what I see her husbands a big douche bag ad horrible but she can't get out of his hold.
"mrs. No - I mean Cathy do you need anything before I head out?", I correct myself feeling the heat rise to my face.
"no just bring me a book and cup of coffee if you can", she winks before I walk out going to get the essentials for her.
I walk into the break room giving some people wide smiles before fulling a cup with decaf coffee, I may be breaking her rules but I still look out for her with decaf.
then I put light creamer with no sugar the way she loves me todo and walk out to the library for a new book for her, I grab 'the witness by Nora Roberts' one of her favorite authors making sure to slip a book mark in there knowing she lost her old one by now.
then I walk back to her room and give her the book and set the coffee by her bedside table and crack the door for her to call someone later.
they whole school day has went by so fast and now its time for engineering, in reality I've been turning out everything thats been going on and I didn't even eat lunch today because I know if I do ill end up throwing it up later and I have to work on my project later with him.
yes somehow we worked out scheduled times to work on our projects surprisingly after I begged and pleaded to get my partner switch but no my engineering teacher had it all out for me.
rounding the corner of the hallway I rush to my engineering class ready to have the day end faster than it started I run straight into someone and fall backwards before they catch me.
"you should really watch where your going summer", I hear them chuckled.
"Oliver", I let out not looking up to met his eyes just trying to get to class.

Falling onto you
RomanceFirst book out of two! She was a broken girl, from a past that wasn't so kind to her. He came from a family that was known for it's mystery. Oliver is the talk of the town, local bad boy if you will everyone loves him. But, is it the mystery he br...