"we were destine from the start"
Summers POV -
my head feels like someone just hit it with a bolder and kept throwing it all me with tiny knives in the rest of my body.
every hurts and my breathing is slow and hard to keep at a steady tempo.
I groan and try to roll over but something holds onto my arm tightly making me jump out of my trance and open my eyes up fearful of what I might in counter.
then I see him, Oliver.
"its just me", your voice shows you didn't sleep and your tired.
we took a few moments in silence trying to find what we waited to say.
we just sat there looking out the window near me watching as all the cars went by, but I looked over and saw I was the only thing he was taken with.
he only had eyes for me in the moment.
i finally gave into want I wanted and with everything that needed to be said....
"everything in my life has been taken, I've lost more than I would like but you.... Oliver Novak can't be taken away because I need you and you need me. but it is all so slow and painful when I wasn't with you", I admitted.
"Tears fall and die going away but my love never will, its everlasting for an eternity stuck with you in an unbreakable bond.", he gushed clearly feeling the happiness come on with me joining.
he held his hands out for me to hold and I too them willingly.
he stared at me for a moment while we let the other take in what every is flowing between the two of us in the moment.
"Even with all the pain in the world kicking me away, I would never leave your side nor would I give up on you for as Long as I shall live with my every breath summer sweet water. You have my soul and heart, don't take me for granted for I will always love you", he confessed to me.
even after all this time he found a way to love me, he never stopped even from all the broken pieces he picked them up again and helped me along the way.
he's always been mine and really I was the one who couldn't see it.
"Oliver", I tired to remind calm for the next words coming from my mouth.
pausing and taking a deep breath I blurted the next sentence out of it would've never come, "would it be so wrong of us to give into the feeling we have? can we go back to what we were before everything hit?"
"summer... you know we can never be what we used to be", he admitted and with those words everything came crashing down again.
I hung my head down feeling my heart shatter.
he didn't want me...
he took my chin in his hand and lifted my head up even when I tired to fight it, I felt the tears wanting to ruin down my face and break my silence.
I was nothing to him again, he didn't care. I could see the next sentence he had in his head ready to be unloaded, but did I want to listen?
"we can't go back to what we were before because now... now we are so much better. now I've found I can't live or even think to breath without you, seeing your face is like coming home for the first time in years and feeling like you never left. summer I can't go on without seeing, holding you", he words left me speechless.
I was wrong.
so so so so wrong, he did care.
did he love me like I loved him?
did he feel the way I did?
he looked at me searching my eyes bitting his lip as I saw the joy and desire playing in his, "summer sweet water... will you be my girlfriend... again?"
without letting anything else ruin the moment I couldn't contain my body, I leaned in and wrapped my arms around him ,letting my body do the talking as I kissed him meaningful and filled with love and desire.
we stayed there wrapped into each other arms kissing like the two high kids that met a year ago wrapped around the others fingers just enjoying the moment.
I pulled away watching his dimple filled smile appear, oh how I longed for this, "yes", thats all I needed to say before he took me in his arms again and kissed me deeply and this time not so tender and he bite and assured his dominance to me in the moment showing me everything I missed with him.

Falling onto you
RomanceFirst book out of two! She was a broken girl, from a past that wasn't so kind to her. He came from a family that was known for it's mystery. Oliver is the talk of the town, local bad boy if you will everyone loves him. But, is it the mystery he br...