Letters to her

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*authors note*

hey everyone, I just want to thank everyone for 8k reads, thats insane and I'm so happy and excited for the journey of this book. I love each and everyone of yours comments they make me laugh and cry sometimes there's so sweet! I wanted to give everyone a gift and that is a bonus chapter + I don't know if some have heard but the ones on my tiktok (graceson_writes13) will see that I am writing a sequel!!!!! yay! for Amara and Alex since we didn't have much time for them in the story and I wanted to give some questions an answer for how they end up with or their story after summers passing! again thank you all sooooo much and I couldn't possible be this far without any of you guess so thank you!

this will be a sneak peek for what may be on "when the flowers grow", it can be a stand alone yet you need the background knowledge of this book but not really to read it!

this will be a sneak peek for what may be on "when the flowers grow", it can be a stand alone yet you need the background knowledge of this book but not really to read it!

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Dear summer,

Do you think they can hear my screams above? Do they listen to my pleas for help? How many sleepless nights will I have without you?

I want you to hear me but I want you to hear me loud and clear.... Come back home, sleep in our bed, let your pillows and covers feel the warmth of your sunshine.

I need your warmth; I need to see you again. Come home to me summer it's been to long and I can't take it much longer, come home.

Hear me begging for you each night, watch me cry over you under the oak tree, see me.

Come back....

Amara and Alex miss you, they don't feel at home, they've become cold, distant, scared.

You were our glue and without you there is nothing worth staying for.

We need you... I need you.

I wish to hold you once more in my arms, feel your breath on my arm as I hold you close, feel your warmth.

The last time I placed my eyes on you, you were cold, pale, wires attached and monitor blank.

I can't even look at your car park outside, it's still in the same spot you lift it collecting dust.

It's been 3 years, I have began to find myself gasping for air when I wake only to turn over and pat your side of the bed fearful of that dreadful night again.

I can't live like this much longer.

Come home, for me.



its been five years since summers passing, Oliver now gone and with his last words all they are meant for is summer. how can someone find love so deep and meaningful? I hope I can find it.

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