man down

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Ellie pov


"Mayday! Mayday! Firefighter down" I beg with my voice breaking....

I'm screaming with everything I have in me and thats saying a lot as I shout down the radio wanting anyone, needing anyone to help me right now as I have barely anything left in my throat to scream for anyone to help me right now. The smoke is getting out of hand and just looking out my mask I am starting to lose any vision I have left, the darkness wants me to surrender but I still have a little of something fighting to keep me going but how much are we thinking? One minute? A hour? 

Being pinned by a fallen piece of the roof I am wigging to be freed but my main focus is on the fellow firefighter pinned under the roof, a bean fell on us and I don't even know what happened within those ten-seconds of it falling as when my eyes finally opened I was what felt like miles away from him and stuck under the same roof but not. 

There was this gut feeling this morning when I woke up that something wasn't quite sitting right with me but yet I got ready like nothing was wrong but deep down I knew I should have listened to my inner thoughts, I had this upsetting feeling in the bottom off my stomach screaming at me,  and now look at me. FUCKED! 

Snatching a mental pole from the failed roof, I try to ram it between me and the fallen roof but every five-seconds my vision goes to the fallen firefighter laying fingertips away from me needing help but unable to help him. I am in a position of helping someone but having a invisible string pulling me back stopping me from helping. The black smoke is suffocating us trying to take my very last oxygen right from my breath as I exhale for another moment starting to think is this it for me. I am starting to become breathless and I know i'm not far from having no oxygen left and being left to burn. I want to scream, I want to beg, I want the whole world to swallow me whole right now and take me back to that moment I got out of bed this morning because if I could change anything, it would be not getting out of bed. 

Our eyes connect for the first time since the roof collapse and call I see is hurt, the light this one firefighter had this morning has changed, theres no hope left in his eyes as I stare at him wanting to help. Lieutenant Davidson is trapped and I am starting to lose hope that anyone is coming for us as I see pull a arm out to reach for me I do the same needing him to know I am right here but as I pull my eyes from him I finally latch myself free and the first thing I do is crawl over to him. I barely make it too him before I grab his hand in mind needing him. 

"Davidson can you hear me?" I hear over the radio barely as the audio breaks, I look down at my lieutenant but as I crawl closer to him my hand lands in his crimson blood, my breathing suddenly stops and I die a little inside, this is it. I never in my life thought ill be in this situation. 

"Barely captain, lieutenant Davidson is down" I scream hoping the message was received as I look down at my husband, a man I had hope to die with but as I hold onto his hand I know this is the moment that death due us part becomes a reality.  

What's happens after death due us part? Am I destined for this to be how we become no more? 

"....." he opens his mouth to speak but theres no words that come out his mouth, I lay one kiss on his forehead unable to take any of this in, when we left this morning he had this smile on his face that brighten the room he was in, there wasn't a single moment in life he wasn't smiling, but one, right now. 

"Leave me please" My husbands begs with a single tear running down his cheek that I wipe away not wanting to see him cry as he lays there, he wanting me to save myself but how do I leave the man that I love to die alone, death due us part which means I will be right here till he takes his last breath whether thats me going with him. I wont let the man die alone or watch me walk away from him. He opens his mouth to speak again but I close it for him wanting a moment of peace to think but I come up empty. The man I vowed to love to the end lays nearing his end and I have no words but share a moment hoping for some type of miracle. 

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