Quiet night

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Archer POV

Standing outside the er with a hot coffee I feel like collapsing in bed and not getting out for at least a couple of days. I have been running around the hospital sorting one patient after another, it's been one of those days. Cupping my coffee I take the silence and give myself a break, it's my first break today and my shift is nearly over, I have a hour left before I hit the bar with a couple of doctors. I kind of wish I decline the invite now so I could go straight home and chill with a beer. Before I have chance to finish my coffee I hear someone shout in coming, throwing away my coffee I quickly strap an apron and gloves on, I already had a long day I'm hoping this one isn't long. Sprinting into the room I take one look at my patient and my already long day just got longer

"Thirty five year old with a gun shot wound to the left side of the chest" listening to the paramedic I take a quick look at the wound before ordering the x-rays, the bullet went in and out thank god, makes it easy now so I don't have to go digging for the bullet but it looks like it miss the artery. Being passed the X-rays I look them over feeling good about the chances of my patient, I don't know what he was doing to get shot but this is one lucky patient. The bullet missed the organs and the artery, this definitely is one lucky patient. Only if all my patients was this unlucky, they be looked at and then shortly discharged a day or two after but some days are never this easy.

Finishing my shift I run my hand though my hair needing a cold beer after today shift, I managed to get thrown up on twice and one patient managed to get blood all over me. I have changed four times and I can't wait to change into my own clothes, looking at the clock in the room I already know all the other doctors will be at the pub waiting for me, they don't hesitate to get out of the hospital unlike me who's never in a rush, I have no other half to race home too but now I thought about it, I kind of want to settle however finding the perfect women to settle is like finding a needle in a haystack. Impossible. Finally into my own clothes I exit the hospital feeling a little better about today it's been a while since I went for drinks with the other doctors, not many of us even have the same evening off but today we do which is a little shocking as theres always half of us that have different shifts to make sure theres a doctor who knows what they are doing. Walking into the bar i spot the rest of the doctors straight away, they do stick out like a sore thumb, taking a seat at the end of the table I join in on the conversation that's happening but as soon as I do, I spot Ellie walking into the bar however I'm not the only one who noticed her, everyone in the room did. Pretty much everyone eyes are on Ellie as she enters and honestly I don't blame them as she is definitely a looker, one look in her eyes and you suddenly forget what your about to say or think about. I almost got tongue tied with her when we bumped into each other, she may not be a ray of sunshine but theres something hidden under her amour that she's trying to hide but I know hurt when I see it.

Trying to ignore Ellie but I see her in the corner of my eye drinking alone, she has pushed anyone away that has walked up to her I guess she didn't want no company this evening. No one in the hospital knows anything about her and whenever she's bought up in front of Megan, Megan shrugs her shoulder telling us she doesn't know much about Ellie either.

"Does anyone know anything about her?" I hear one of the doctors ask and I can't help but let out a little laugh under my breath as I listen to everyone say no, I'm not surprised no one knows anything about her, she takes me as someone who rather keep to herself then let anyone get close to her, everyone aloud there privacy I guess. I'm about to say something when I spot Ellie stand up and walk out the door. I can't help but watch her leave, she's beautiful but has a little temper like a firecracker and its a major turn on

"Megan knows nothing but she's something. The way she spoke to me about a patient" I say taking a sip of my beer as everyone looks at me, I can't help but no more then most people as I actually speak to majority of the paramedics, they know everything that's happening and know all the gossip. Leaving my two pence into the conversation I don't listen to anything else they are talking about, I enjoy coming out but I don't enjoy talking about the new paramedic especially when she already holds my interest.

Waking up the following day I have the morning off before working the evening shift, no one wants to work the evening shift on a Saturday. Climbing in the shower I let the hot water run down my body, I'm thankful I don't have a hangover instead I'm feeling fresh. Standing under the head of the shower I lend my head forehead before running a hand though my wet hair, I have no plans till work so being lazy it is. Wrapping a towel around my waist I head to the bedroom drying myself off, I have already cleaned and ready for work. Walking around my house I cant help but watch the clock, I hate waiting to go work but theres nothing else I can do but watch the clock tick down, second by second.

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