What now?*

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Ellie pov

Feeling like I got hit by a bus I try to move my body but every moment I feel the pain shoot though my body and I just want to curl up and ask for stronger painkillers but I know I cant. Slowly moving my fingers my eyes are still shut knowing once I open my eyes I am going to be dazed by the bright lights of the hospital. Moving my fingers without feeling pain no longer I slowly move my arm needing to feel my body where I hurt myself but as I move my arm I feel a hand on my arm.

"Ellie it's Lilly, you remember me right" I give Lilly a thumbs up knowing the reason she asked the question as one off the things I remember is hitting my head when I rolled and I was upside down for a while until I could unbuckle my seatbelt. I run my mind though everything that has happened and I have no black spots which a doctor would consider a good thing.

"How long have i been out" I managed to ask Lilly as I still feel her hand on my arm, I know I should have opened my eyes but myself and the bright lights are exactly friends right now. Bringing my other arm over my eyes I open my eyes slowly shielding the light so I can managed when to let the bright light hits my eyes, turning my head slowly I now see Lilly face and how she hanged changed since the last time I saw her.

"Couple of days but Ellie, theres something I have to tell you. When I was looking for fluid in your stomach I detected a heart beat, your pregnant" all I hear are the last two words of her sentence and I don't know what to think, I didn't know if I wanted another child never mind with another man but while I lay here thinking about carrying another child I don't know if archer wants a child. I would have loved to give Logan another brother or sister but I cant believe this happened I thought myself and archer was being careful. I don't know how I feel but I now know how I feel about archer, my mind and heart are in the same place.

After the little talk with Lilly she disappears shortly after leaving me alone with all the information that was given me, she also informed me that archer knows as he overheard everything. I'm glad he knows I'm pregnant as I don't have to tell him, I wont know how to tell him as how do you tell someone you only been seeing for a couple of months that your pregnant. Being left alone with only my thought I try not to over think this, Archer is an amazing man but I have no idea if he's thought about children or how Logan would react to having a sibling. Laying in the hospital bed I hear the door open before I see it and I definitely hear my little man as he comes running towards the bed followed by my parents

"Mom you ok?"I nod my head to my sons questions as he gets helped up onto my bed, he doesn't waste no time in wrapped his arms around my neck and I wouldn't change anything right now for anyone, Logan has always been my priority and now I am pregnant would that change, would he feel left out. Seeing my boy and my parents they eventually left me alone to sleep after everything I went though they want me to stay couple more nights and I don't mind as I get to think about everything and whats next for myself. I haven't seen Archer yet since I woke because I know him and I know he will want me to see my family before he sees me, I want to see him before I go sleep though to talk about us and whats next I don't even know where to stand with him, he's an amazing person and I know he be an amazing father.

Waking up after being asleep It takes me a couple of seconds to remember where I am and why I am here but when I do my hands go to my belly and the little person that is growing inside of me, I don't know how far along I am but I know I will find out before I leave. Pulling myself up I adjust myself into a move comfortable position before looking around the room and seeing Archer in the chair next to me asleep, I don't know how long he's been sat there and looking at him now he looks peaceful strange for what I went though, I just hope its not the first time he's sleeping or blaming himself because none of this is his fault or the driver that hit me. With a hand on my belly I just stare at my stomach wondering how this happened but deep down I know how this happened and it was good, however I still need the talk with Archer when he wakes up which shouldn't be long as looking at him now he starts moving around on the chair.

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