Days off

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Ellie pov

Having a weekend off after a long week working is definitely what I need right now and what the doctor ordered as I lay in the bed Saturday morning with Logan sleeping next to me hogging the covers like I thought he do so now I have a hidden blanket under the bed for when he does it the sneaky bugger. Quietly moving myself from the bedroom I heard downstairs to the kitchen needing something to drink as my mouth is pretty dry. Walking down to the kitchen I spot a shadow moving around and I don't think my brothers are already up this early I don't even know why they are crashing at our parents either, every since I returned home with Logan, our mother has had all her kids under her roof pretty much every night with the odd occasion I spend a day or two at my own house but its so easy just staying with my parents till they kick us all out which I don't think my mother would do as she loves us all under her roof once again and loves spoiling my son more.

Archer: I know you're up. Morning jog?

Me: sure, meet you at the park on Aaron street in fifteen

Archer: its a date

Texting archer a couple times a week has been nice as he's easy to talk to and not bad on the eyes which is also a bonus but I ever since everyone at the hospital and fire station knows about my husband, archer made it his responsibility to make sure I'm ok. Its a lovely gesture no doubt about it but theres something behind everything he does which I haven't figure out yet but a part of me has but doesn't want to believe it. Throwing my hair is a ponytail I head back upstairs to change into work out clothes trying my hardest not to wake my son up, he hasn't said much about school since returning so I'm hoping its good he's an easy children to raise and now he has my brother in his life I no longer have to think about a male role model for him, his father will always be mentioned and I will make sure he knows who his father was. Dressing in a pair of shorts and a running t-shirt I grab my keys and bottle of water before making my way to the park, I have left a note on the fridge incase someone wakes up before I am back.

"I thought you was going to bail on me" I hear his voice and laughter before I see archer and I didn't take him for a morning jogger but guess I was wrong as he starts stretching his legs, I'm looking at him hoping its just a light job between us and not us racing as honestly I was debating with myself whether I wanted to jog this early or go back to bed.

"I thought about it" I give him a wink before I start stretching my legs myself, the last thing I need right now is cramps or to pull a muscle even with my two days off. Finishing with my stretches I take one look at archer before taking off knowing he catch up to me without a problem and when I look behind me he gives me one looks before catching up to me. With archer next to me jogging I thought it be an terrible idea but its rather peaceful with hardly anyone around I guess jogging early has its moments, feeling the warm breeze in my face and on my legs I find myself enjoying the little jog, I could possibly do this again with Archer or on my own.

Finishing the jog with Archer I straighten myself up and put my hands behind my head, I am physically fit but damn I worked up a sweat and it doesn't help the sun already came out while we was jogging, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand I give Archer a smile, this was fun. Walking back to our cars we enjoy each other company as we walk silently but not a awkward silent, his arm brushes against mine a couple of times and I find myself not minding, Archer just has something that I cant pinpoint, he's easy on the eyes and just easy to be around. Reaching our cars I grab a bottle of water thats in the boot before grabbing my phone, I don't usual leave it off in my car but this morning I did, turning it back on I wait for it too come back on, while I am waiting my minds drifts to Archer and too something I heard 'you can have more then one true love' I don't know where I heard it from but I did and now that I have I don't know what to make off it, I know I cant control who I fall in love with or who I like, even though my hearts with Tristan I find myself liking Archer more then I thought I would, he just brings something out of me. As my phone pings I finally come out my head and pick my phone up wondering if my parents are finally up and seen my note I left on the fridge.

joey: Dad said BBQ so pick burgers up

Me: Ok

Smiling at my phone it feels like forever since we actually spent an evening together as a family, one of us are always working and we work different shifts making it hard for any of us to spend time together but I am glad everyone can get together today, I feel like I need a family day and its also important for my son to learn about family. Giving Archer a quick goodbye I make my way to the shop for the burgers and a couple of other things I want, I'm excited for this and seeing the smile on my sons face, his smile brightens up my days.

Sitting around the garden I watch my son play with his two uncles while I relax , Logan really loves my brothers and watching them play together I can see why, with all three boys on the trampoline I sit and wait as it looks fun and maybe I could snatch a turn. My parents have spoiled my son with all kind of toys for the garden including the trampoline they are planning on buying a swing set with a slide, I have tried to give my parents the money for everything but they refused and told me its a future investment for when her sons have child but I just laughed as joey or Hayden don't look like they are settling down any time soon but they are indeed great with children especially mine. Refusing to take my eyes of my son not wanting to miss a single beat as he grow up so fast, I can still remember when he first started walking, Tristan couldn't believe it and neither could I. We both wanted him to remain small and looking at him now he's starting to look a little more like his father, I only have memories left of Tristan but they will always be apart of me and i'm grateful he gave me Logan.

Archer pov

Walking into the bar I spot the other doctors without a problem as I thought they definitely stick out in this place but they don't seem to mind as they sit there chatting away like they have no problem being in a pub. Heading to the bar I order a drink before walking over to the rest of them, taking a seat I listen to them talk not sure what they are talking about as usual I'm last to arrive and normally the last to leave but right now I want to do anything else then sit around and talk to other doctors, I wouldn't mind seeing more of Ellie, I'm trying to pinch time whenever I can like this morning when we went jogging together. I like spending time with her and I would ask her out but some how I don't think its the right time just yet and I don't want to be turned down, it be a knock to my ego for sure, thinking about Ellie I think about what I would do if she agreed to go on a date with me would I; take her to a restaurant, cook a home meal, take a romantic walk or would I have a quiet night watching a movie.

"How is Ellie and her son? I cant imagine watching my husband die though, it must have been hard" I hear one of the doctors say but unsure of which one and I understand where the doctor is coming from but its not the same for us as both Ellie and her husband was firemen and from what I understand is her husband pushed her out the way and knowing he be taking his own life, if she was pulled out screaming I will take a wild guess and say she didn't want to say goodbye, no fire fighter left behind and everything

"They are good, her husband risked his life for her. Would you just leave him behind or would you stay till the last minute making sure the last thing he sees is her face. Death till us part right" I say before taking a sip of beer knowing I hit the nail in the coffin there as everyone looks at me speechless, I'm not going to sit around the table and let them regard Ellie like that, what she did was brave and a little stupid knowing the building could collapse but if I was in her shoes I would do the exact same thing. Looking around the table I wait for some one to say I'm wrong but they all know I'm not, I may not be married but if I was I'll make sure my wife died seeing my face before closing her eyes.

The conversation flows once again and this time none of them have even thought about mentioning Ellie and I made sure of it but I am leaving after this beer as I personally think its wrong talking about someone and her fallen husband. Drinking my beer I listen them talk about the hospital and there lack of personal life before finishing my beer, right now I just want my bed and be anywhere that isn't here. Since meeting Ellie and getting to know her I have thought more about settling down and having children, I no longer want to spend my evening at the pub, I just wish Ellie saw how much I actually like her but its my timing I guess.

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