Is it love?...

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Archer pov

It feels like forever since the last time I saw Ellie when I know it hasn't actually been that long but more time I spend with her, the more I want her in my arms and spending her nights at my house but I know thats harder said then done as she has a child to think about which I totally understand, partly. Looking at the clock on my bedside table I think about whether Ellie is up at this time, I don't know what I am doing up at this hour but maybe I could get Ellie to come for a jog again just so I can see her. Its probably selfish of me to want to spend more time with her but honestly I cant help it, she's the only thing I think about and want to see. Grabbing my phone I look though my contacts clicking on Ellie name debating whether to text her or just leave it but I know I cant leave anything

Me: You awake?

Ellie: I am now, whats up?

Me: morning jog?

Ellie: sure, give me half an hour and I'll meet you at our spot.

Climbing out of bed I throw on a pair of jogging shorts and a t-shirt before heading out the door ready to see Ellie again today not knowing when I'll next see her because I know she be busy with her own job and son but doesn't mean I cant take up all the small time here and there when she's free. Feeling lighter on my feet I waste no time in getting ready and leaving my house looking forward to meeting her, I don't know how I feel towards Ellie as I as slightly confused because my heart say something different to my head, which one do I follow?

Parking the car I wipe my sweaty hands on my joggers feeling my heart rate increasing as I get closer to our spot, I don't know whats wrong with me but I'm feeling more nervous as I walk closer, I should turn back around and head to my car and try to understand whats going on but I don't want to miss Ellie. Turning the corner I spot Ellie straight away looking just as beautiful as the first time I saw her, even if her first few words to me was very nice. Looking at Ellie she's wearing a pair of shorts with what looks like a thin jumper on top, I kind of wish I was wearing tighter clothes this time so I can hide what she does to me, giving Ellie a smile I finally walk up to her and give her a kiss on the cheek before giving her another look over.

"Same route?" I hear Ellie ask as she gives me one of her smiles which I have found out I love seeing, I don't know what she does but every time she smiles I feel my heart rate increase knowing her smiles are for me and no other lad. Nodding my head at her questioning knowing I am unable to come up with two words as right now I am tongued tied just looking at her and if I did open up my mouth I feel like the words 'lets skip this run and head straight to the bedroom' will come out my mouth which isn't a bad thing but I want to do this right.

Ellie POV

Knowing Archer is checking me out I give it a minute before I get a head start because I know he can catch up to me without a problem with his long legs but I know my he wont try so hard as somehow he loves running behind me. I have a sneaky feeling that he only runs behind me is so he can get a better look without me catching him looking at me, I am big headed or anything but I know I look good from behind. While Archers still looking at me well checking me out I get a head start, giving archer a smirk I start running with a smile on my face, I don't get to run as much as I like or keep myself active like I did when I was a firefighter but I still try to throw in a hour or two of workout when I can, even if thats in the gym or walking around the firehouse getting my steps up.

"Thats cheating" I hear archer say in between laughing but I just have a smile on my face knowing its not cheating when we aren't racing its just a morning jog, I know not to push myself but pace myself but I cant help picking up my pace, turning my head slighting I look at where archer is only to find him catching up to me without a problem.

As myself and Archer run side by side with each other we exchanged a couple of words between us, we have a calming pace between us that none of us are pushing the limit especially not this early in the morning, I still have the rest of the day and I don't need to be nursing a hamstring. Feeling the wind on my face I close my eyes for a brief second but it only takes a second for me to do something stupid, letting out a sharp hiss I stop running and hit the floor, archer stops a couple seconds after me giving me a worried look. Looking at my right ankle I feel the slight pain of rolling it but as I hold it, I can feel it throbbing and all I can do is bite my tongue. I have been though worse but some how rolling my ankle hurts more then anything, I cant believe I did it in the first place. Climbing to my feet put most of my weight in my left side of my leg knowing every time I step on my right I feel the sharp pain shoot up my leg,

"You ok?" I nod to Archer question trying to walk off the pain and it only works slightly but I can still feel the pain in each step, knowing I have pain killer in the car thats the way I head.

"Your not ok, jump on and I'll carry you to your car" Archer says stopping me where I am and bending down wanting me to jump on his back for a piggy back, I haven't had one of these in a while. Doing what Archer ask I let him carry me to my car without a problem but my ankle still hurts a little but when I get those pain killer down me I know I'll be ok, everyone rolls there ankle but damn I forgotten how much it actually hurt till now, lesson learnt I think.

Sitting in my car I look for the pain killers which I know are here somewhere, I knew I should have cleaned my car at some point but I keep putting it off like everything else mainly about moving into my own house full time, I end up spending most if not all my nights still at my parents, I know I have to do it at some point but it feels weird living on my own with Logan especially when it was always the three of us, Tristan always made sure everything was working. Trying not to think about Tristan I spot the pain killers and I take them without a problem knowing they kick in soon and I can drive home without a problem, I feel archers eyes on my the whole time and I know he's worried considering he's a doctor but I'm a paramedic I know its nothing serious, just a knock to the ego.

Feeling the pain ease a little I give archer a kiss on the lips before starting my car and heading back to home hoping to ice this beauty before I spend the day with the family, its feels like forever since I have cuddled my boy, I need plenty of them before he decides he's too old for them. Turning the music up a little I feel the pain every time I put pressure on my ankle but I know if I carry on biting my tongue I'll be fine. It doesn't take me long to drive home and when I pull up I see the front door open and I spot my son with a smile and a cookie


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