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Ellie pov

Spending the night at Archers was wonderful I haven't felt to free in a while and he does that to me, when I'm with him I don't think about anything and he makes it all about me, he's different and I couldn't be more happier to know I found someone who is a gentlemen and when I woke up the following morning I didn't want to leave, he prepared me breakfast and then we showered together. Unfortunately I had work the evening or I would of still been at his house enjoying the time together but I look forward to seeing him again, even if I have to wait till we are both free I have no problem.

Trying not to think about the other night I pull up to work with a smile on my face, I know majority will think its because of my son but Megan knows its Archer as she sees us together at the hospital, we don't try to hide much as everyone at the hospital knows Archer had been trying to get my attention since he first saw me and even gone out his way to make sure I was ok numerous of times. Walking to the locker room I past matt on the way and give him a smile, since everyone found out more about me, he has been my protecter in the fire house, every time someone asks a personal question all matt has do it is give them a look and they drop it. I have also seen the way matt blushes every time Megan walks past him, I have seen those two together but I haven't asked either about it as I know its none of my business, matt deserves someone to make him happy and Megan is just want he needs.

Walking towards the kitchen I see Megan standing there with a cup of coffee and I make my way over to her needing one myself however before I even make it half way the alarm goes off and automatically everyone waiting for them to be called but lucky them its only the ambulance called and I turn back around on myself heading towards the ambulance hoping to get a cup of coffee after this run. Climbing in the passenger side of the ambulance I look into the scene where we are heading too, I had a good weekend and now I just want a good shift and then go back to my son hoping we could have dinner together before he passed out.

"So you and Archer, how's that going?" I hear Megan ask and I smile has appeared on my face as she mentions archer I want to tell her its going smoothly but I don't want to jinx myself, even though its going good I know someone bound to throw a rock on the tracks and derail us. Looking back to Megan I feel like turning the table but I don't want to catch her off guard while she's driving as I would love to make it home for a home made meal with my son. Thinking about how to answer her question I look up with another smile.

"He treats me well, definitely a gentlemen though and though" I say giving her absolutely nothing to read in-between the lines with, everything that is happening with me and archer is staying close to my vest, I don't want anyone putting there two pence in asking me how i'm feeling or asking me if archer is a rebound. I know Archer is worried that I may be using him as rebound but theres nothing to that, I would never do that to anyone especially not to someone as Archer because if I did I know Tristan would be looking down at me asking me 'what the fuck' he has always wanted what best for me and would want me to settle down with someone who treats me right and archers does that. He isn't pushing himself on Logan, in fact he's asking him about his father making sure he knows that he will never replace him which I like about him, he's thoughtful.

Megan doesn't have time to answer because she pulls up to the address we been sent too, I don't see anyone in distress but I climb out the ambulance anyway and head towards the house that is listed on the call. Knocking on the door I wait a couple of seconds before looking inside a window, Megan shrugs her shoulder before trying the door handle and to our surprise its unlocked. Megan is the firsts to walk in calling for anyone but as we walk further into the house we found a man laying unconscious on the floor with his phone in one hand. Checking for a pulse I feel a faint one and hurry to connect him to the machine wondering if he maybe had a heart attack or something like an allergic reaction. While Megan treats the patient I run out to the ambulance and grab the trolley and anything else we may need.

Loading up the ambulance I climb in the drivers seat while Megan climbs in the back with the patient, I wanted to drive today and somehow Megan is letting me which is shocking, placing my seatbelt on I head to the hospital using the quickest route I know. Five minutes from the hospital I take a right turn only to be cut up by a driver, I'm trying so hard not to roll my eyes but it cant be helped as I feel frustrated that someone thought it was enough space to pull out on a ambulance with blue flashing lights, I have never had road rage but some drivers do know how to tick us off.

Trading information I writing up the report before heading back to the ambulance still needing a cup of coffee from anywhere at this moment I don't care as long as I get something down and in my systems as I can't work without a cup of coffee and today I never had chance to get one. Climbing into the ambulance I look out the window hurrying Megan up needing a coffee and when I give her a look she knows too well that she doesn't hesitate but run towards the drivers seat, with just looks Megan knows what I am thinking, I couldn't ask for a better partner to work with, we get along and can read each other minds.

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