Letting go

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Ellie pov

Driving my son to his grandparents house I didn't want to let him go but I know Tristan parents have been looking forward to seeing there grandchild and I would never hold them against seeing him plus its good for my son to see more of his family, even if Logan reminds them of Tristan. Waving goodbye to my son I watch as they disappear into the house knowing Tristan mother already has the oven on prepared for when they make cookies together, even though they only seeing him a couple times a year they make each second count and I couldn't be more thankful for it. Driving the three hours back home I turn up the radio choosing to sing along with it with all the windows down, the drive home I have been looking forward to as it gives me my me time to think about everything, I have never minded the three hour drive as its always quiet along the roads.

Returning home I waste no time packing a bag and climbing back in my car, Archer has invited me to his house tonight and asked me to stay over, I agreed with having no child tonight I can afford to let loose and have a little me time which I will be doing. Heading towards Archers house I find myself getting slightly nervous, we have been spending a lot of time with each other even a couple of minutes at the hospital wherever we can fit in, I didn't think I would ever be happy after losing Tristan but each day I have slowly opened my heart back up and let nature do its course, I'm following everyone advice and going with the flow and hopefully I end up where I am supposed to me. As of right now that is at Archers house spending the night with him enjoying each other company, pulling into his drive I climb out my car wiping my sweaty hands on my trousers before walking up to his door, before I have chance to know the door opens and archers stands there with a smile on his face.

"Hey" is all I managed to say as I'm walking into his house and making myself comfy which I have always done, Archers has never minded me kicking my shoes off and getting comfy on the sofa, if he would have minded I know he would have said something but he hasn't. Taking my coat off I place it on the hangers before taking a seat on the sofa unsure how tonight will lead but tonight is just about me and Archer no thinking about my son as I know he's safe with the grandparents.

We have gone though almost two bottles fo wine and finished our Thai food that was delivered, none of us wanted to cook so we ordered in and opened a bottle of wine but as I look at Archer I'm casually wondering where his bedroom is and I know he's ready to get dirty under the sheets but more I spend time with him I find myself wanting the same, its time for me to move on and thats what I plan on doing as I make the first move. Climbing to my feel I grab Archers hand and plan on leading him to the bedroom hoping I find the room ok, I want him and I know he wants me but our first time isn't going to be on the sofa. As I am lending us Archers stops where he is and pins me against the wall smashing his lips on mine, his hands under my legs picking me up without a problem. I'm pushing my body against his and he kisses me firmly against the wall that I let out a slight moan needing more

"Bedroom now" I find myself saying as he leads us both towards the bedroom without breaking the kiss, I don't know what happened between the wall and bedroom as both our tops are off and tailing on the floor, I haven't had sex with anyone else since Tristan so I am slight nervous but I don't show it as I am currently leading.

The kiss deepens as I undo my jeans button kicking them off me as I watch Archer do the same, we waste no time connecting lips again as he kisses me with so much fire that I am melting, I can feel my underwear get damper by the minute and I need more. Feeling the kiss tail down my body I let out another moan as he gets lower down my body making sure to kiss every inch of me, his fingers linger running up my side and before I am aware of where he's going, I feel a finger slide inside of me and I nearly undo but I hold it together needing more then a finger. Arching my back I feel his tongue flick over my bean and my hand automatically goes to his head begging him for me, I know whats he's doing and I know I should put a stop to it but I don't, he uses it tongue so perfectly that I am close to climax. Feeling myself getting closer I beg archer for me and he does what I ask by sliding two fingers inside of me moving him in and out so effortlessly and within a second I am cumming all over his fingers while moaning out his name, somehow I know he isn't done.

"I need... you inside of me... now" I say panting as I need to feel him and as I finish the sentence Archers doesn't waste no time entering me and I almost gasp as he pulls himself back out before giving me more, I don't get to say anything else as his lips smash back on me, his hands are on my face as he kisses me so deeply without stopping. Wrapping my legs around his waist I feel his wet tongue kiss my neck while one of his hands stroking my nipple, my head falls backwards needing more and he knows exactly what I need because he speeds up, I'm just about to come again when he slaps my arse with his free hand making me smile slightly

"oh god, again" I moan inching closer to another climax feeling every time he slams into me, Archer speeds up and I know he's inching closer towards his own climax when I let out another moan following by my own climax and as I come I feel Archer come to his own release and he collapses on top of me out of breath with sweat rolling down his forehead. I haven't cummed like that In a while and I find myself missing it, I didn't think I'll last as long but damn I can barely feel my legs as Archers disappears into the connecting bathroom, coming back seconds later with a warm cloth. He cleans me up before disappearing once again to clean himself up before climbing back in bed, I haven't cuddled anyone in a while apart form Logan but being here in archers arms feel different, a good different.

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