Day together

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Ellie pov

Being stressed out from work then coming home to Logan has worn me out the last couple of days that my parents agreed to take Logan off my hands for the day and go to the Zoo before going out for food after, I knew being a single parent to a boy was going to be a handful and it has been recently with everything that has been happening and I need a day to myself to catch up on sleep. Standing in the kitchen I kiss Logan on his forehead before following them out the door, I stand in the door watching them drive off, Logan has been wanting to visit the zoo since we moved home and I haven't had the time to do that but luckily my parents have seen me looking stressed and have stepped in, I am dreading when he comes a teenagers or when he starts bring girls home, I am not ready for any of that but I know thats growing up, I just wish Tristan was here to help me.

Archer: I have food and movies ready for you x

me: Thank you, I really need this day off x

archer: Anytime hun xx

Placing my phone in my back pocket I grab my bag and head out the door locking up after me knowing I don't have a child to think about today, my parents know not to ring me unless its emergency and they can take care of a child considering they had two of them themselves, my son is no where near as crazy as joey or Hayden.

Pulling up to Archers house I turn my engine off and climb out the car, archer has told me just to walk in and I am not to sure if I should or not but as I get closer to the front door I am having a mental fight whether to walk in like he said or knock but as I get closer I decided to knock wait five seconds before walking inside, I have always hated walking into someone house without being let it as its not me but as I walk into archers house I find him prepared a meal for both of us, I don't have to ask what he's making it as I can smell it as I step closer to him, it smells amazing. Placing my bag and coat by the door I take a seat on the sofa already seeing a movie on pause waiting for me, archer has everything ready for me, and as I look at him now cooking I wasn't sure how I felt but looking at him now It feels like my heart already knows and my head is playing catch up, could I possibly love him or am I slowly falling in love with him.

I don't have time to figure out what is happening as archer places two bowls on the table and takes a seat next to me pressing play, I know Archer is all in and now its up to me can I risk another broken heart if this doesn't work. Trying not to think about everything I watch the movie while cuddled up to Archer, he smells just as amazing as the food. With archer arm wrapped around me I feel safe in his arms that I didn't know I was fighting my eye lids to stay awake but instead of fighting anymore I let go.

"Morning sleeping beauty" I hear archer say with his arms still wrapped around me, I don't move instead I look around seeing the darkness creep in from the windows I cant believe I have slept the our day together away but I know I needed that sleep as I have been working as awful lot and spending every feel time with Logan which hasn't been much but every second counts right. Sitting up I rub my eyes together adjusting myself before excusing myself to use the bathroom I make my way round the bend to the bathroom throwing some cold water on my face trying to wake myself up a little more, wiping my face with a towel I look at myself in the mirror wondering what I am doing.

"How long was I asleep for?" I ask archer as I walk out the bathroom and into the kitchen watching him prepared yet another meal for us to eat together, I want to help but I know Archer will just tell me to sit but instead I clean up after him making sure he doesn't have any dishes to wash after we are both finished.

"Couple of hours, you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you" nodding my head I take a sneaky bite of the food he's preparing but he lightly smacks my hand away giving me a look that says 'wait till I have finished' but I couldn't help it, his food always smells amazing and its tastes even better, I wonder who taught him how to cook.

Setting the table I grab a bottle of wine and pour us half a glass knowing Archer is leaving for work soon and I am driving back home shortly after to see my son off to bed, taking my seat I watch Archer brings us our food I don't wait to tuck in already knowing how amazing it tastes and as I take another mouth full I nearly mourn as I swallow but the devil look In archers eyes says he heard me and I cant help it. Finishing the food without a problems with some small talk I learnt it was actually a nurse who taught him to cookie when he was little, that leaves to a lot of questions but I know it isn't the time to ask questions as I don't want to ruin our moods right now as I am having an amazing time with Archer. While I am cleaning up I let Archer get ready for work he has cut it close to leaving but I don't mind tidying me but as I was washing our plates Archer slides me the key to lock up and I almost freeze unsure what this means, what is he trying to say

"Lock up for me and ill see you later" is all I hear Archer say as he gives me a quick kiss before shutting the door on the way out, I am sure I just had a panic attack looking at the key but I shake it off thinking that he's running late and cant lock it himself. Its too early for him to be giving me a key surely but instead of thinking of it a little more I finish the dishes and grab my stuff needing to see my boy. Logan will take my mind of everything right now.

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