good to bad day

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Ellie pov

Everything is back to normal now after the anniversary of Tristan death the other day, I'm glad its out in the open and everyone knows but it doesn't mean its easier then before, I'm not holding onto his death as much, I know my heart is slowly coming to mend especially now I'm not keeping his death a secret, some how I knew if I opened up I will be able to move on, yes he will be my first true love and there be no one like him but maybe its time to let myself be happy. Thinking about being happy my thoughts go straight to the hot doctor archer, he's been by my side an awful lot lately making sure I'm ok and I know he wants a chance with me and he has told me he would wait for when I am ready, I always thought I'll never be ready to date again however the more I think about archer I more I want to get to know him, I may be thinking about it but I wont do anything till my son is ok with seeing me with someone else after all my son does come first. Mentioning my son he soon comes running down the stairs and into the kitchen, he loves seeing his father grave stone always telling him stories about himself and his new friends I just wish his father wasn't taken so soon, I can't replace him.

"Wheres jo and hay?" I only managed to hear my son ask as he goes running around the houses looking for my brothers, its a good questions as I haven't seen either of them today, watching my son run out the kitchen I make his lunch before disappearing to work, I just want to chill with my son this evening but unfortunately I have work but I know my parents will take good care off him, I have booked some time off work during his holidays to spent time with him and the family, however in the mean time my son doesn't mind spending time with my parents. Preparing his lunch I hear him before I can see him again and this time my brother Joey is coming running behind him, I miss hearing his laugh sometimes, it is good to see my son laughing, it has been a hard year but I know its only going to get better with each day.

Driving to work I enjoy the music in the background while tapping my fingers on the wheel, leaving the house a couple minutes ago I didn't want to as my son had my brothers wrapped around his finger playing cars just before I left. Logan can be very demanding at time he gets whatever he wants from my brothers and watching them all play is cute. However I am glad to be out the house as all I can hear was my son shouting instructions out to my brother, the game looked like it was about to get nasty so I'm glad I'm not there for that, both my brothers would be in the dog house if they upset my son, even my parents know when to step back. Trying not to think about my brothers I pull into work, I have a couple minutes till my shift actually starts, and right now I want a good shift, I don't think I'll be in the mood to have a crappy day but being a paramedic your always going to get that one call or another. Climbing out my car I head straight into the locker room placing my bag in my locker before heading to the lounge, everyone is already here doing there own business, theres a group playing a game off cards, a couple are making themselves a snack and theres always one firefighter hogging the television with there feet up.

Laying in the bed my eyes are only closed for what feels like a second before everyone jumps up when the alarm starts ringing, listening to the intercom hoping its not for us but I don't catch a break as we are called to an accident scene. Moving out of bed with a moan I walk faster then I usually do to the passenger side of the ambulance, Megan is already waiting for me like she always is, I swear she knows when they go off. The ride to the accident scene is quiet but once we turn up both myself and Megan can here the firefighter call for a medic, with us both running to the same car Megan lets me talk to the driver while she hooks her up to the machine, I quickly stable her neck needing the fire fighter to hurry. Watching closely as the fire fighters help us load the women on the back board we rush back to the ambulance, lucky us the hospital isn't a long drive but looking at the women it doesn't look like she has long, the car did a number on her. Climbing in the back I'm trying my best to keep her alive she has a head wound and her chest impacted with the sterling wheel, it all makes me wonder why her airbag didn't take majority of the impact from the crash. Feeling all the holes in the road I about get slammed back in my seat, I give Megan that one look telling her to be careful but she rolls her eyes as the hospital comes into view but as my eyes come back on the patient, the machine starts beeping.

"She's gone" I say climbing out the ambulance as the door opens, the doctors stand there as I loose my temper and hit the ambulance, I don't think they haven't seen a paramedic loose there temper in a while as they all look at me wondering what happened and honestly I have no clue. One minute the women was stable and ready for surgery and the next she has blood coming out her nose and ears, her pupils had gone so I knew there was nothing I could have done. Following the women into the hospital Megan tells me to have a minute while she writes up the paperwork and thats what I do, my face tells the whole story as I watch them take the women away. Bringing my eyes off the body I spot archer standing there looking at me but as we are looking at each other he point to an empty hall way, I follow after him wondering what he wants. Losing a patient is the last thing I needed right now, I honestly thought she was going to be ok but I guess the impact to the wheel had caused more harm than I could have seen, I wouldn't know about internal damaged as we don't have the equipment.

"Hey it's ok, we all lose sometimes. Life sucks for us all" I hear archer say wrapping his arms around me so I can't punch another wall as I have already hit the ambulance and then a wall as I was walking in and I know he saw everything but it was my first call off my shift and I lost someone, it wasn't the way I wanted to start my god damn shift. As archer drops his arms he pulls my hand to his face looking at it making sure I haven't broken blood or done any damage and personally I don't feel any pain, taking my hand back archer gives me a nod before he gets called to see another patient and I make my way back to the reception where Megan stands waiting for me, we all cope with our emotions differently and usually I hold it inside but this time I didn't, I just exploded, shit happens right.

"Hey before you go, I wanted to know if you would like to do something after shift" looking at archer as I watch him ask me out is cute, I know he didn't want to ask me out in front of the whole hospital and right now I feel like going out my comfy zone and saying yes so I do, I nod to archer before he walks off again, I know I said I was ready to date again and I guess it starts with a 'yes'

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