It's a....

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Ellie pov

Laying on archer sofa I balance a tub of ice cream on my belly wondering when this baby would come out as I am due any minute now and I am dying to see my own feet for a change or maybe feel them. I couldn't remember my first pregnancy being like this but I could be wrong as It was a while ago. Though out this pregnancy I have been excited to meet the little one but I didn't want to know the gender and now I wish I did as I don't know whether its a girl or boy so trying to name the baby is a little harder as me and Tristan knew what we was having and had always liked the name Logan but archer he's a little different he wanted the baby to be a surprise and then he talked me into not knowing which is killing me, if only the doctor could have only told me but I am even worse at keeping secrets unfortunately. Slowing climbing to my feet to put the ice cream in the freezer I feel something run down my leg and I'm secretly hoping that I didn't just piss myself but as I look down I feel slightly uncomfortable and I know this means one thing

"ARCHER!!!" i yell knowing my water just broke but lucky for us we have everything ready in a go baby incase something like this happened and now looking down to my belly I am excited to meet the little one who has been giving me a hard time. Rubbing my belly I see archer run down the stairs in a hurry heading straight towards me and once he sees the water on the floor he wastes no time and jumps into action, I love a man who knows what he's doing. Following Archer out the door I try my best to get a move on as I want this baby in the hospital and not in the car. Controlling my breathing I try to relax knowing archer will get us to the hospital in no time and then ring my parents but right now my priority is this baby, I just secretly want to know whether this is a girl or boy.

Coming to a stop archer shots out the car for a wheelchair and I give him one look knowing I can walk but archer is very protective right now and gives me a look straight back meaning he's not arguing with me. Rolling my eyes I do as he says and climb in the wheelchair, this shit is embarrassing is the first thought in my head as he rolls me though the hospital and into a private room, I guess theres moments I love when he's a doctor at this hospital which is i don't have to wait. With the help of archer I get from the wheelchair to the bed without a problem and I am ready for this baby to make an appearance, I feel slightly lucky I had some ice cream before coming here as the last thing I want now is the ice chips like what the fuck I want something a little more filling.

"One more push" I hear the delivery nurse ask as she's in between my legs waiting for the baby to come out, I should feel uncombable with a nurse in between my legs but nothing she hasn't got right. Squeezing archers hand I give one more push needing this baby out now and before I know it I hear crying but I don't know if thats from the baby or archer, looking over to the nurse she wraps the baby into a towel before walking over to me with a smile, everyone knew we wanted it to be a secret of what we are having so the smile on the nurse face doesn't give me anything of what I just pushed out

"Congratulations its a girl" I hear the nurse say as she hands me my baby girl and just looking at her now I cant believe how in love I am with her, she's looking a little like e.t but I know how just how all baby look at first before having a clean and dressing into clean clothes. With our baby girl in my arms I move over slightly so archer can climb in bed with me and he does, he wraps one arm around me and the other hand is holding our baby girl hand, our girl is already a daddies girl I can see it. A couple minutes later the nurse comes back in and we hand her over letting the nurse clean her up for me and the next thing for me to do is ring Logan and get my parents to bring him over so he can meet his baby sister. Logan has been over protective with me like archer has and now it's a girl I feel like it's only going to be worse, Logan is so much like his father and I know he wont leave his sister side and would be by her side every time she's crying.

"Faith-rose" I say knowing I named her middle name rose because Tristan always liked the flower and I wanted him to be a part of this as I wouldn't be here without him, Archer agreed to have rose as a middle name as he knew how important Tristan was for me. if only he could be here to see how beautiful she looks instead he's watching from above and I hope he's proud of me and the women I have become.

I don't know how long I was asleep but when I do wake up I spot archer in the corner holding faith rocking her slightly and if I wasn't already in love I am now, is there anything this man can't do. Archer doesn't realise I am awake till he turns to me and gives me one of his charming smiles like he knew I was watching him but I couldn't help myself as looking at him now, he's holding our baby to his chest its adorable. Watching archer place our baby girl back in the crib I look at him feeling like he has something up his sleeve and if I knew archer I would say he did but I wait for him to say something.

"Ellie I don't know what I would have done without you, you have been everything to me lately and even given me a beautiful baby girl, I love you and I intend of loving you till we are grey and old so I have only one question to ask, will you do the honour of being my wife?" looking at archer my eyes begin to water as he holds a beautiful ring in front of me and I cant believe he's doing it right now, I look horrible.


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