Give me a sign

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Archer pov

After everything that has happened the past week I have taken some days to myself, I am unable to get my head into work and I don't want to do anything that could cost a life and my boss agreed, I have plenty of holidays available to me which works nicely I guess. I don't know where I stand with Ellie right now after I blurted my feelings to her and then left before she had the chance to say anything but she had to know whatever she chooses I would be there for her all the way, and if she decided to keep our baby ill be over the moon, not so much when I have to change diapers. Laying on the sofa I stare at the ceiling unable to do anything else, I don't want to react on my feeling and push Ellie away more she's the most important thing to me right now and the last thing I want to do is that.

Pacing my house I try to do anything that doesn't involved me and running over to Ellie, she has a lot to think about and I do also as this baby could be too much for Ellie considering it hasn't been long since she's actually over Tristan, I have no idea what I am going to do but I know it will have an amazing in due time however I am not a patience person. when I have so much on my plate I work so I don't have to think about anything but this time I cant and now all I can do is pace my own house wondering what Ellie is thinking. I should have stayed when I told her how I felt, instead I left her there speechless but in my defence her family was coming out the house.

Ellie pov

Feeling more like myself I get around the house without any help but it doesn't stop me walking into everything as archer is on my mind ever since he told me how he felt and I knew I should have said something but I didn't and now I lay around the house expecting him to call me however I know he wont because he's giving me space which I don't think I want. Laying around a empty house I can hear my thoughts loud and clear with Logan at school and my parents running errands I am alone trying to think about everything but its like my brain has been overloaded and I just need someone to tell me its going to be ok. I always wanted another child theres no hiding that but I just thought it be another child of Tristans, Tristan was an amazing father and theres no doubt archer could be one too but what about my first born Logan, I need to figure this out before I start showing. I know my parents would be over the moon to have another child running around the house as Logan is getting older and wont be a baby for much longer but he will always be my baby even when this one is born, I love them both the same regardless of everything.

Grabbing my coat and bag from near the door I make sure I grab my brothers car keys he left for me incase I wanted to go out, I don't have a car yet since I crashed mine but one of my brothers are going to collect one later this week however I don't get to choose which car apparently. Trying not to think about my car situation I drive to the only place I know would love me either way and brace myself for what I am going to say, I don't even know what I am going to say to my parents but i'm sure I'll come up with something. Driving down the bumpy road I try not to cringe when I hit a bump I don't know what my brother has done to this car but I can feel everything and its not the comfiest, I knew I should have agreed to my parents car. Coming to a stop I waste no time climbing out the car and feeling my arse making sure its still there but as I look at the road I didn't realise the last time I came down here it was that bumpy. Running a hand though my hair I begin moving my feet to my destination needing to get something off my chest.

"It feels like forever since I came here but today is different as I don't know what to do, Tristan you have always been my person who has helped me though everything and I need you now to help me more then anything, I don't know what to do I'm stuck" I say sitting on my knees in front of Tristan grave stone, I don't know when I was last here but I know its about time I came, I will never forget Tristan or what he's done for me as he's the reason for me living right now. Sitting in silence for a couple of minutes I place my hand on Tristan grave stone like I always have done, I wouldn't be here without him and I want him looking down at me proud.

"Please give me a sign" I ask Tristan needing some guidance which he has always done for me, he always pushed me to become someone I was proud to be and now I sit here begging for a sign from him, I don't care what type of sign it is as long as I get something, a little guidance is all I need right now as I am drowning in my own thoughts. Removing my hand from his stone I wipe my tears aways wondering what I would have done if I just told archer how I felt when he told me how he felt. About to get up I see a hand in front of me helping and when I look up I see archer standing behind me ready to help me up to my feet.

"Your freezing Ellie" I hear him say but I don't care right now however archer takes him coat off and places it around my shoulders before wrapping me in his arms, was this the sign I needed if so I couldn't thank Tristan enough for sending archer my way. I would have thought standing in front of Tristan grave with someone else wrapped around me would have been weird but somehow I feel like this was Tristan sign to me all along, he always wanted me to move on if he passed away and now standing here I haven't felt more loved like this in a long time. About to turn around I give Tristan one last look before whispering 'Thank you' I couldn't have done this without him.

Walking side by side out the grave yard I feel his hand lock with mine and I want him closer to me, I don't know where we go from here but I know whatever happened archer would be by my side though it all. As the cars get closer I only have one question really thats running wild in my mind and thats why archer was here in the first place, was he here to see Tristan however not wanting to ruin this movement we come to a stop and I look into archer eyes knowing how I really feel now, that one sign has just confirmed everything.

"I love you archer"

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