A proud moment

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Ellie pov

Honestly after telling archer I will give dating ago with him but have to go slowly I thought I was going to piss myself with how nervous I was but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, now look at me I don't have the ring on my finger and I am slowly coming out my little shell I was in when I first returned home from grieving a lost. Maybe I can do it but with time it will show whether I can or bail because dating got hard. Dating with Tristan was easy as we knew each other very well and now doing it all over again I am kind of a nervous wreck. It has been a week since I told him 'slowly' and I am liking it he isn't rushing me whats so ever but i'm sure he get used to his right hand surely, don't most men. Dropping my son off at school this morning I feel like being a single mother is getting a lot easier with help from my parents and brothers, if they wasn't in the picture I think I would of struggled a lot more then I would have thought, I am not afraid to ask for help even from my parents as they would do anything for me. I love my son I just wish I was at home a little more then I am, I hate being away from him and I hate that my parents are picking up the pace for me, I don't know what I would do without there help.

Walking into work I have a smile on my face it has been a while since I have actually been this happy and I owe it to everybody who has helped me come out my shell a lot more, now the fire fighters know who my late husband was they have tried everything for me to come out and have fun a little more, they have even offered to spend time with my son and show him things that his father used to do, Logan really looked up to his father as a role model and now he gets to see how everything is done. Logan is coming to the station after school to get another tour and hang with the fire fighters, after today he will know what his father did. Heading to the dining room table I take a seat with my phone in my hands looking though pictures of my son and going though emails, we haven't lived in our own apartment much since moving back and I want to start moving into it now Logan sleeps in his own bed. We were only staying at my parents because of my job and Logan was still hurting from losing his father so I thought being around my parents could help and now that he seems a lot happier maybe we could start living as a mother and son. Deleting a couple of emails I look up from my phone for a second to see the guys looking at me, did they ask me something?

"You want in" I hear one of the guys ask me as he starts playing with the cards in his hands and I find myself nodding, moving onto another seat and into the game I look at my cards wondering if they will spit there dummy out if I win, its worth a shot right.

Playing cards with the boys wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be as they was really mature when they lost the first time but not so after the second or third time. After the four game I think they gave in and walked away I honestly thought it was funny and everyone else did, I didn't realise I have one hell of a poker face but next time I wont play with the guys who cant play anything, as I been told its the truck who can play with the one fire fighter from squad who can. I guess it was a good thing we never played for money as I would have rinse there bank account in a blink of an eye but all fun and games till someone gets hurt right. Feeling happy about the day I grab a bottle of water from the fridge laughing as the guys I beat mope around when I walk past, I should have got that shit on video, priceless. Hearing my phone vibrate in my pocket I check my phone wondering who's texting me as no one does unless its an emergency but as I look at my phone I notice the time and didn't realise my son will be here in less then thirty minutes, I guess the day does go fast when your having fun.

Heading outside I wait patiently for my brother and my son to turn up, it be nice for them to see the station again, I know how much my son will love it and everything worth it just to see the smile on my sons face, my brother he isn't a little bothered. Pulling out my phone I check the time but as I do I spot my brothers car as its hard to miss the way he drives it, having a smile on my face i'm excited to see my son I hate that I can't pick him up after school and spend time with him but I guess this will have to do till my shifts are bearable to spend more time with him.

"Mommy" I hear my son shout as he comes running over with the biggest grin on his face, pulling him into my arms I hear movement behind me and as I thought the rest of the guys are walking outside to meet Logan again. As everyone meets Logan and introduces themselves properly I can already tell Logan likes them as he interacts, even though some off the crew where mopping they aren't now as they see my son, I even had one ask me how is my son so nice compared to me. I guess they haven't done mopping around then, smiling with the boys I followed closely behind as they lead my son around the station before letting him inside the truck, he looks so much like his dad as he sits in the passenger seat of the fire engine. Taking a photo I save it before sending it to my parents and Tristan parents I know they miss him as they are always away travelling and only have him for a weekend everyone other month.

Sitting around the dinning room table with everyone I look back at the photos I took of my son today, the smile on his face tells a whole story as he definitely loved visiting me here and spending time with the crew, I'm glad they made him feel like home and joked with him but only if Tristan could see his son he be a proud father. Logan is definitely Tristan's double.

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