Just one second

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Archer pov

Waking up alone I knew Ellie had to leave early to sneak back into her parents house, I wish she keep some of her belonging here so she didn't have to sneak off however I know it doesn't work like that when she has a child to think about, she cant just up and move him because she's seeing me, its baby steps as her child is first priority. I have more room in this house then I know what to do with it and I have thought about living with Ellie and having a child run around but I don't know if Ellie is ready for that step, a part of me still knows she thinks about Tristan from time to time and I have no intention of changing her mind about him, I know he will always be in her mind as the one who went to early but I just want to be the one she loves now and show her everyone has a second love, she has already changed my life I am all hers but I have come to terms with being second place to Tristan.

Climbing out of bed I jump in the shower needing to get ready for work, I don't have many days off like yesterday but I know when I do have a day off my ER is always in my mind, whoever runs the ER when i'm off doesn't do it like I wish they would. Climbing out the shower I throw on the first clothes I see before rushing out the door for work, I have always been a workaholic and thats because I never had a personal life but now that I am thinking about the future I have thought about maybe cutting a couple of hours down so I can spend more time with Ellie and her son if she let me. Trying not to think about a life with a child just yet I make sure I have everything in my pockets or hands before I walk out the door and into my car, its feels like forever since I have been in work when in reality its only just been one day, I cant remember the last day I had off that I wasn't called in to help. Driving to work I make sure its sweet and fast knowing I am already cutting it close as I spent a little longer in the shower trying to release my pent up sexual attention in the shower.

"Hey Doctor" I hear Britney say as I walk though the doors and I give her a smile before walking to the locker rooms ready to get changed for my shift which starts in five minutes, I already feel like today is going to be a long day. However my day will look up from time to time when Ellie comes into the ER as I know she's working with Megan today and theres no way she wont be coming in here to drop off a patient. Pulling my t-shirt over my head I throw it in my locker while finding my work top but as I look into my bag Britney walks in with one of her flirty looks, I have been there before which was a while back and I know everyone knows I am off the market which could only mean that she doesn't care or there is a incoming and I am hoping for the later.

"Incoming patient with a gsw" I hear Britney say and I am quick to find my top trying to put it on while walking out the locker room, I know what it may look like to anyone walking past but to anyone who knows me knows nothing happened that quick. Picking up a set of gloves I make my way outside hearing the sirens as the doors open.

Opening the ambulance doors I am met by one paramedic who has her hand in my patients stomach and I don't know what to think as this is something I have seen before, telling the paramedic to keep up I take the patient to room one needing a closer look and an x-way needing to know where the bullet went. While looking at the patients I listen to the paramedic who is stood at the door speaking facts and the only thing I need to know right now is whether the bullet went straight though but as I listen I hear that it didn't. My patient still has the bullet in his body and on the count of three I ask the paramedic to move her hand go I can stop the bleeder she's holding, theres nothing I can do in this room instead I ask them to wheel my patient off to surgeon I am surprised there was only one bleeder but I guess theres always a lucky one. Normally I would do the surgery but I hand it too one of my colleagues knowing they are in better hands, I could do the jump but after a closer look at the x-rays I have saw it was very close to the heart and the doctor I handed the surgery too can deal with anything that happens to the heart considering that his speciality.

Covered in sick from a little child I make my way back to the locker room to changed out my scrubs but I head the other way when I spot Ellie in the corner of my eye, I almost missed her I didn't realise she came in, I must have been busy. Walking over to her, her eyes lock with me and I cant wait to wrap my arms around her but I know she wouldn't touch me when I am covered in sick however if I changed first I would have missed her. I don't care that I am covered in sick as long as I get to see her for a second or two, its those seconds that really count honestly. Standing now in front of Ellie I move her around the corner and get a cheeky kiss before she has to head back out, Just looking at her now I cant believe how sexy she makes the paramedic uniform look, I am having dirty thought just looking at her and the look in my eyes say everything as Ellie shakes her head but is smiling, I wonder if she has a sexy paramedic uniform for me. As Ellie pushes me away as I look her up and down knowing what I am thinking I hear the faint keep dreaming before she leaves with Megan in front of her, I cant believe how lucky I have got with Ellie, I guess waiting for her has its advantages.

"Archer get changed you sink" I hear the head nurse say as she looks at me knowing what happened as she was there when the child emptied his stomach on me instead of aiming for the bowl, I wish I wasn't holding the bowl now. With one look at the exit I no longer see Ellie and I head for the changing rooms needing a fresh set of scrubs and lucky me I always have some with me incase of this, it doesn't matter how long I been a doctor for I have always hated when someone throws up on me.

As the day continues I make sure to sneak Ellie away for a second when she comes in with a patient I know I shouldn't because we both have jobs to do but honestly I cant help it and Ellie has never minded me pulling her away for a second or a minute at tops. Just seeing Ellie for a second makes my day a whole lot better and I cant wait for it to end so I can see her a whole lot more.

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