One last 'I love you'

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archer pov

"Ellie, I am looking for Ellie?" I hear a women come running into the ER shouting a name as she barges passed me looking all around but can't seem to find the person she's looking for or know the person she's looking for as its been a quiet night so far, normally I would stop the crazy women shouting in my ER but I have an incoming car crash and I have to make sure everything is ready, nodding my head towards a nurse I make sure the women is out my way when the incoming is here but the women shots straight passed me again and outside, I don't know who she is or whats happening but as the doors open the women is with my car crash patient, today couldn't get any worse. Running over to the patient I take notice of all the blood on her face but Megan takes a hold of my hand and mouthing 'Ellie' I take another look at her and before I can shout anything I am being pulled away from her by another doctor and a nurse holding me back from seeing her I just want to make sure she's ok but as I take another step forward I am being hold back tightly, I should have drove her home first and then coming to work. When I couldn't think my day could get any worse knowing it just did.

"I refuse to call your time of death like I did to your husband.... God damn it Ellie fight" I hear the women shout as she starts chest impression on Ellie, I am no longer being held back but the doctor is still standing behind me incase he has to but I am frozen into place as the women performing CPR is the same women who called time of death on Tristan, I don't know what I think about that but the name she called when she first walked in here kind of makes sense but how did she get here before Ellie and how did she know, I have so many questions. Watching from the sidelines I watch as they check her stomach for fluid but as the gel goes on her belly followed by the equipment the women freezes before whispering something 'Your pregnant' I know I shouldn't had heard what she whispered but I did and now I am fighting to be by her side but once again I am being held back. I cant let Ellie be alone right now she needs me, I just need to touch her just once I need her to know I am here.

"I have a rhythm, let's go and someone call her parents" watching as they take Ellie away I am still frozen into place, while everyone looks at me I slide down the wall and sit on the floor trying to come to an understanding off what the fuck just happened. Looking at the reception desk I see her on the phone but I can't make out any words its like the whole ER has frozen and everyone is stood in place trying to understand what just happened. Being helped to the waiting room I sit in one of the chairs that are surrounded by the fire fighters who are waiting patiently for any news. We don't have to wait long till Ellie parents and brothers are running into the hospital looking for any information but no one has anything, the whole ER is silent as we all watch her parents take the last remaining seats, Logan still looks half asleep as he cries into his grandmothers arms. Ellie brothers are pacing the waiting area unsure how they should react right now.

"Ellie is in a medical induce coma as we had to relief the pressure from her brain, its up to her now" Hearing those words I don't know what to think, I understand them a lot better because I am a doctor but hearing the words that its up to Ellie I don't know what to think, this can't be how it ends but what about the pregnancy. How far along is she? Did she know about the baby? With all the questions running in my head I remain seated not sure what to do.

Ellie pov

The darkness surrounds me as I stand there seeing nothing but pitch black, I have looked all around but I cant see nothing, the last thing I remember is Megan shouting something at me before everything went black, am I dead? Is this what the after life will be walking around the blackness. I didn't think it would end like this or how after life would be, I always wondered if it was a peaceful place as I needed to know if Tristan was in peace but I never expected to be gone from my son this early.

"Ellie?" Hearing my name being shouted I look around and suddenly I am no longer surrendered but darkness instead I'm surrounded by trees and long grass, I don't know what happened but I am feeling better not being surrounded by darkness right now. Forgetting about my surrounding I look for who shouted my name feeling like I know the voice but I can't pinpoint or see anyone. Feeling someone behind me I slowly turn around but I wasn't expected to see the only person I wish I could see again, I am in so much shock that I drop to my knees my legs couldn't hold me no longer.

"Tristan? is that really you?" I ask begging to hear the word 'yes' and I do as he steps closer to me I see him and how he hasn't aged one day, he looks exactly the same that I even remember the day I fell in love with him. Watching him walk closer to me I realise just how much I have missed him, he was my first true love and seeing him now as mourning his loss I feel slightly at peace knowing he's ok. I have so many questions but the look on Tristan face tells me exactly what he's thinking, I could always read his mind like he could read mine.

"I have so much to say but what are you doing? This isn't your time yet Ellie you should be fighting!" I refused to say anything till I wrap my arms around him making sure he's stood in front of me, I know I should be fighting to see our little boy but if I could have a minute with Tristan I am taking it with two hands, I need him to tell me 'I am doing ok ', I need to hear him say that 'everything is going to be ok' I can feel the tears run down my face as he kisses my forehead one more time, I have longed to feel him.

"I am fighting! I have been fighting since you died" I say nearing shouting the words, letting out my frustration on him knowing Tristan isn't to blame, the building collapse and he choice to risk his life for mine, I should be mad but I am no longer blaming him, I have come to terms with everything but doesn't mean seeing him now is easy. Tristan will always be my first love.

"Ellie your an amazing mother and you have this in the bag, my death doesn't change anything if I had to do it again, I would. I love you and I always will, you and our son are everything to me and now theres someone else your worrying, open you heart Ellie and let it heal" Hearing Tristan words I don't know what to think, i am letting my heart heal but am I holding back? Looking at Tristan I see that little smile on this face as he slowly releases my hand and steps back, I want to hold on but his words are playing in my mind and as I hold on Tristan suddenly disappears

"You got this, I love you" Listening to Tristan words one last time I know I have to fight, not only for me but for everyone, I have to find out my real feeling towards Archer but deep down I know how I feel, I'm just afraid to let go off the past and forget about my first love. Will archer be the one to heal my heart?

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