Bonding together

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Ellie pov

Discharge papers in one hand and my son in the other is exactly what I have been waiting for and now the day has come I cant wait to get home and climb into my own bed which is apparently at my mothers so she said and I know I'm old enough to look after myself but her word is final especially when she has the look in her eyes which I hate she always get her own way but my son loves her and her tricks. Walking to the exit I have a smile on my face as I look at my son and his smile, he has spent the night with me last night in my bed like I thought but I'm just glad he's safe and is slowly moving forward, my family do bring the light out of him but last night he was charming the nurses while my eyes was closed, it's good to see him come out his shell and interact with people that aren't his family but I'm not ready for him to begin flirting, no way he's still my little boy. Seeing the exit above me I finally walk out the hospital to my brothers bringing the car around for me, I am perfectly fine to walk to the car park but I guess they had other plans which isn't surprising at all when it comes to me and my health.

"Ready to go home" I ask my son as he jumps into his seat in the car with a smile on his face, I know he's ready but I think he's going to miss the nurses he was chatting too, she definitely made him smile as she bought him a cookie and glass of milk in the middle of the night. My son is a pretty easy child because once you give him food he be your friend I learnt that the hard way when he was growing up and I will never forget it but looking at him now I know nothing has changed. Climbing into my own seat I watch as joey drives us to our parents house, I don't know why our mother hasn't wrap us in bubble wrap as lately we been getting ourselves in a little bit of trouble which hasn't been out faults; the car crash wasn't my brother fault and me running into a building wasn't mine. Surely in time she be pulling the bubble wrap out and my son will be her first victim which I think he wouldn't mind, Logan is a pretty easy going child when everyone is playing around. Looking at my son the whole way to my parents I find him starring out the window, my eyes never leave him and my other brother Hayden doesn't stop looking at me, I know everyone waiting for me to say something about the fire but as long as Logan doesn't bring it up ill be fine, sure he's been though a lot but personally I think he's fine, he's slowly coming out his shell and the next step is for him to sleep in his own bed which I think we are slowly getting there.

Waking up the following morning I feel fresh after everything that has happened the past few days and I cant wait to get back to work but I been given the week off so the chief has told me but it gives me a week to spend with my son though I'm not sure where to start. Climbing into the warm shower I spend time relaxing my muscles trying to think of something to do but the more time I stand in the shower the more time I think about the doctor offering to help, he's definitely charming and if I let myself I'll be falling for him but one broken heart is enough till I have learned to open myself back up, however till then I will decide to keep him on arm length if he's open to waiting but I would never let someone wait for me as I don't know if I will ever be ready to open my heart up again. Trying to not think about archer I climb out the shower throwing on a pair of ripped jeans and a clean top on before finding my son running around the house, he is full of energy today. Watching him run around the house I decide to go to the park where he can run all that he likes without hurting himself, walking into the kitchen I pack a sandwich for each of us before trying to find a ball to play with, I know my brothers have a ball around the house somewhere. Telling my brothers my plan to go to the park they decide to tag along with smiles on there spaces, I guess I can share my son with my brothers for the day then spend time alone while my brothers are working.

Pulling up to the park joey and Logan have already disappeared into the park leaving me behind with my other brother Hayden who doesn't seem to mind as he wraps an arm around me wondering whats going off in my mind. Walking side by side I finally spot my son playing on the park while joey is right behind him, moving home was a no brainer as Logan needs a man in his life and I couldn't of picked anyone better then my brothers, they are two different role models and they will teach my son a little of everything as I am dreading when he reaches the age of puberty and girls, I am not having that conversation with him as I don't want to think about my son and girls, I'll save that for my brothers.

"Whats on your mind I can pretty much hear your mind ticking away" pulling my attention from my son I look at my brother Hayden wondering what he meant but I know what he meant as I'm looking at me son but my mind is somewhere else like my son needing a father figure but how do I bring this topic up without hurting anyone. Logan needs fun uncles and thats what my brothers are but he's lacking a father figure which my father can't do as he's the loving grandpa that sits with him when theres sports on tv. Biting my lower lip I think about how to word my sentence without bring back painful memories of Tristan.

"Logan he has a mother and two loving uncles but he needs a father figure and I can't be both a mother and a father. He needs a father figure but I..." not finishing the sentence I look at my brother who already nodding his head like he knows what I'm thinking and a part of me knows he does, growing up myself and my brothers have always been close and could pretty much read each other minds. Looking back at my son I try not to think about what my brother will say about what I just said, eventually when I do move on and start dating I wouldn't except them to be a father to my son but I don't want anyone to be his father, I wanted Tristan and now he's gone he left me picking up the piece of playing both parents which is hard enough as a single parent.

"Where is this coming from? You're an amazing mother to Logan and he doesn't need someone playing father when he has all of us but thats not what you are on about are you. I see the way Archer looks at you and I'm only going to say that there isn't a time limit to choosing to date again" I hear Hayden say before Logan comes running over to the both of us with a smile. I love having these chats with my brother and how he read my mind says everything, I just wish it was as easy as he made it out.

Kicking a ball on the field I forget all about the conversation with my brother and put the focus on my Logan how he's making joey run for the ball, the smile on his face as Hayden throw him over his shoulder and runs off with him will be something I remember forever. Running after my son I finally catch up to them but both my brother and son tag team and come running after me, I begin running in the other direction only to be trapped as joey blocks me in with a devilish smile. Stopping in my track I look at my son but joey comes up from behind me and drops me on the floor letting time for my son to jump on me with a smile and suddenly everything I spoke to Hayden about has been forgotten.

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