How to...

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Ellie pov

Waking up feeling slight better after the conversation I had with the hot doctor Archer, the conversation was everything I needed at that moment, he knew what to say and never pushed me but I wasn't completely honest with him as I never told him I was in the fire when he died and I had to leave him behind while I was pulled out, thats a image I cant get out of my mind. Shaking the thoughts out my head I head to the kitchen needing to prepare Logan lunch for school as my son doesn't want the school meals and I totally understand as I never did either, as I'm placing everything in the lunch box my sleepy eyed boy comes walking in with a smile, I love how he wakes up with a smile on his face, over the weeks I have been at my parents Logan has finally came out his shell, he still sleeps in my bed but he talking a lot more and making friends at school, i guess moving back home was what Logan needed and I guess myself. Telling Logan to get ready for school I jump in the shower hoping for a quick one before everyone wakes up, even though I have my own apartment not far from my parents I feel like Logan would be more comfortable at my parents where my brothers come all the time. Having family around is healing both our hearts but theres still an empty spot in my heart where my husband will always have.

Dropping my son at school I head to work ready for whatever the day brings, since chief of the house told the firefighters off for bring up Tristan they have all dropped the subject about me and go along there own ways. Some of the firefighters try to talk to me and they only get a couple words before I walk off, after losing Tristan I haven't let any firefighters close enough, I don't want to lose anyone else. Parking my car in my usual spot I head into the fire house dropping my stuff into the locker before heading to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, I forgotten to grab myself one this morning with all my attention on my son, he's the light in my dark days. Standing in the kitchen I grab my coffee, theres only a Hand full of men in the room either reading the newspapers or watching tv, there isn't much to do around the fire house unless you want to work out which I never want to do. Smiling to everyone who I walk past I head outside sitting on one of the chairs enjoying the cool air, it isn't too warm but its warm enough to enjoy it in the morning however it doesn't last long.

"Ambulance sixty one, women in distress" Tipping my coffee away I climb into the passenger side and ready to go, its the first call of the day and i'm kind of hoping it's an easy day. Tapping my fingers on my knees I look at the information we was given before turning up to the address, seeing a man on the side walk wave us down I grab the bag before following him inside with Megan hot on my heels. Seeing the women on the floor the first thing I notice is her belly and Megan nearly walks right into the back of me as she looks at the patient, taking a seat next to her I connect her up to the machine before looking how far gone she is as she looks like she's about to give birth.

"Alright mother looks like your in labour, I'm afraid your going have to push as I can already see the head" Megan says before telling the baby daddy to grab a couple of towels, Megan delivers the baby while I hold the women hand telling her to push, I know what she's going though so I encourage the women while Megan catches the baby when it comes out, I couldn't go though what this women is going though again, one is definitely enough for me.

"its a baby girl, congrats" letting go of the baby mother hand I feel like the life of my hand is coming back to me, the women had a tight squeeze on my hand and now I feel the blood flow again. Loading the women and baby up I let Megan climb in the back while I drive, I have no problem with kids but right at this moment I want to drive, putting the ambulance in drive I head to the closest hospital ready for my coffee I never got to finish. Pulling up to the hospital I open the back doors letting Megan jump out first before grabbing the mother and baby, the father is in another car behind us, watching Megan take the women inside I fill the paperwork not wanting to interact with the doctors which Megan does all the time, I guess she loves it when we come here to drop a patient off.

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