Love of a family

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Ellie pov

Discharge papers in hand with a smile has been something I have been looking forward too all day, no one knows how happy I am to be getting out the hospital, it has been nothing but a headache spending nearly a week here when I was told I could go a while back but they wanted to keep a eye on me. However while I was laying in the hospital bed I was just a open door from the nurses station and there gossiping, oh boy did I get to hear all the juice gossip around the hospital but how a couple of them like archer, I don't know how I feel about them all liking him but nonetheless he's mine. Durning my lovely stay at the hospital I only briefing spoke to archer when he came to ask if I needed anything or just to read my chart making sure I was looked after, we haven't spoke about this pregnancy so I have no idea where his head at even though I wish I did before I was leaving. He hasn't come up to me and asked if I was keeping our baby or anything and I just want to know how he feels about this all, whether he wants this baby with me or how he feels about me, I hate waiting.

"You ready?" I hear archer come in the room asking with a wheelchair in his hands but I cant take my eyes off the wheelchair knowing I have to be in one of those to leave the building, my legs still work so I am a little sheepish why I have to get in one of those.

"Born ready" I finally respond after gathering up my last belonging knowing my mother has took everything else home earlier today, she asked if I wanted to come in there car but myself and archer need to talk and the best way to have a talk is when there isn't no one in earshot.

Being wheeling too the car wasn't something on my bucket list but never the less I can cross it off anyway as it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, only a couple of nurses looked my way giving me the eye because I had there favourite doctor pushing me, wait till they find out he's going to be a daddy. With the help off archer I am fasten in the car and he's driving me back to my parents house but the whole drive is quiet, I want to open my mouth first and say something but as I do nothing comes out and I look like a goldfish out of water, I have no idea how to tell him everything, I think I may be falling in love again..... I didn't think something like that could ever happen to me as I honestly thought I'll only ever have one love but I guess I'm that loveable, I didn't think me falling in love a second time could be true but I am mistake. Looking out the window I remain my focus on everything else because if I did look at archer I may just blurt everything out and I don't want to do that. Seeing my neighbour hood come into view I think about everything that I need to say when I am out the car, if he knows how I feel, he may tell me whats running though his mind.

"Ellie I love you and whatever you decide to do with our baby, I wouldn't love you any less" again I am standing by archer car looking like a goldfish out of water as he tells me he loves me and I have no respond as I was expected to hear those words but hearing them again just takes me by surprised but I don't have chance to return the 'I love you' as my parents are out the house and walking towards me making sure I make it in the house without a problem but as they walk to me, I just wish they gave me more time with archer.

Being helped towards the sofa I have my little man next to me the whole way and I cant help but think about how proud Tristan would have been to watch his mini him grow up, Logan has definitely grown up a lot since the loss of his father however he has grown to be the man Tristan would have wanted to raise, I always promise Tristan that Logan would always know who he was and I will hold that promise till the day I die, Logan father was a brave man who put everyone else before him and to this day he will always be my hero. Looking at Logan now I cant help but see Tristan in his eyes, I am just glad I have Logan with me to remain me I am here because of him and I will cherish that everyday. Sitting on the sofa I cuddle up with my man Logan with a movie playing in the background, I will hate the day that Logan grows up and no longer wants to cuddle with his mummy but I cant wait to watch him grow up to be like his father in every way.

"I love you mum" I hear Logan say as his eyes close as he drifts off to sleep and I lend my head back trying not to cry but I cant help as the tears roll down my face, I hardly hear Logan tell me how he feels as he wears his heart on the sleeve always showing me how he feels but just hearing those words I feel a lot better with myself.

Wrapping an arm around Logan I watch him sleep peacefully with the movie in the background, I don't know how lucky I got with Logan but I know he will always be my side and the way he is with me, I know he be like that with a sibling. Logan being a big brother has always been something I have thought about, he has his father over protective side so I have no worries that Logan wouldn't treat his baby sister or brother the same but the biggest thought I have got is how Archer would treat Logan? I would never ask Archer to treat Logan any differently but I would love archer to have a father figure in his life but I don't know how Logan would feel about archer taking over the father figure role when his father was taken from him too soon, would they be ok with each other. Looking at Logan now I just know that he's going to be ok, he's his father child and will fight though anything.

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