Fighting for air

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Ellie pov

Locking archers house up just before I leave I make sure I have everything, Archer left about half an hour before me while I decided to clear up the mess we made, archer told me to leave it but I couldn't so he gave me the keys and now I feels like I'm missing something, checking my pockets I make sure everything is accounted for before turning to my car. Spending the day with archer was fun I enjoyed it and I cant wait to do it again soon, I don't know how I am feeling towards archer yet but I know I may be falling in love with him, I am glad i'm starting to fall for someone who was just as decent as Tristan plus he loves my son so its a plus for me. Throwing my belonging in the passenger seat I head towards my parents house where my son will be asleep already, I told Logan I will come and say goodnight and I still have time too as I know he wont be asleep just yet, I don't know how my son does it but he knows just when I walk in the house. Driving down the road I listen to the music taking my eyes off the road for a second to check the time, I may be in a rush but I would never speed to get home quickly but as I take my eyes off the road I hear a sound coming from my tyre like I ran over something sharp.

"Oh come on" I shout at nothing as I feel my front right tyre puncher, its already dark outside I am just glad it isn't raining right now as I promised my son I will say good night but I just had to go and get a flat, the tyres was ok when I pulled outside archer out earlier I must off ran over some old glass or something. Pulling over to the side I turn my car off before checking the tyre already knowing I had to change it and hopefully it wont take long, lucky me I know how to change or I would have been stuck out here waiting for a tow truck. Heading to the boot I grab the spare and get ready to change it, from having a good day with archer and now a flat tyre I just want to kiss my son on his forehead before he goes sleep. Yanking the tyre from the car I nearly fall fat on my arse as I do it, but as I do I get my hands dirty. Shaking my head I try to figure out why this is taking so long but I cant come up with anything, taking the old tyre off was the hardest and now all I have to do Is place the spare on the car and then I'll be good to go. Using the jack I lower the car giving the new tyre a kick making sure its ok before I climb back in my car, but first placing the flat tyre back in the boot so it can be fixed and replaced, a spare is only good for a couple of days.

Feeling successful that I fixed my own car tyre I fasten my seat belt and get ready to head back home, I have already been away from my son long enough, turning the car on I check my mirrors but I only see a white light before I feel someone run into the back of my car, feeling the car jump I brace myself for the impact but my head hits the window and I can feel the blood run down my face. Grabbing onto the seat belt I start to go dizzy as the car starts to roll my belonging on the passengers seat go flying all over the place, I open my eyes briefly to try and grab my phone, feeling it under my finger tips I managed to get a firm hold on it but I am fighting my eyes right now. Pulling it towards my face, I call the only women who can help me right now, Lilly. Lilly was there for me when my late husband was bought in and died she's the only one who can handle my parents right now. Dialling her number I hear her pick up after one ring tone

"Please Lilly help...." the car stops rolling as I drop the phone, landing upside down I try to fight with my seat belt but I am panicking as I pull out it wanting it to unhook but I am having no such luck, I am not only fighting against the car but my ability to stay awake as I can feel my eyes start to get heavy and the blood running down my face, this can't be the end, I can't leave my son parentless but I don't know if I can hang on anymore. I hear Lilly still on the end of the phone call shouting my name but I cant hang on, I need someone. Opening my eyes as I hear the fire engine and ambulance in the distance I don't know how long I have been hanging in my seat but I know the blood is getting to my brain, trying to unhook my seat belt I have more success as I drop down to the ground, my arms and legs have gone numb as the top half of my body lays outside off the car, I have no more strength as I lay there. Closing my eyes once again I think about my son and how he be raised by my parents, all I can think about is will he be ok without me.

"Hurry up Megan, it's Ellie. Hey stay with me ok" I hear but I can't make out who's holding my head as Megan comes rushing over it could be matt as he's the most gentle one between them all but trust me to have a crash when my crew are on duty, I want to open my eyes but I can't I don't have nothing left for me to hang on anymore. Taking my mind off my son I think about the damage I have caused to my body, I hit my head on the window and my body hit the airbag lucky for me it deployed when it did or I would have suffered from serious internal injuries. Feeling the c-collar go around my neck I relax a little I don't think I have any spinal injuries as I dropped myself from my seat to the ground, everything could have been worse if I didn't put my seat belt on in time, as I think about my damaged my mind goes black I start to see a bright white light....

"We are losing her"

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