Little of truth

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Ellie POV

I could kill my brother sometimes as he gives me the finger as I drop him off to physiotherapy, it is all laugh and games but he really needs this as his leg he broke isn't going to heel on it's own and he won't get the strength back. Waving my brother goodbye I head to work not having to worry about him driving him to physio I can do it sometimes. When he got the discharge papers I was ready to haul him out the hospital, I hate being in one especially after Tristan was taken from me but I was glad he only had a broken leg and a couple broken rips where the seat belt caught him. Our mother also had him about driving and refused to let him drive anywhere on his own now, he's a mother boy so he listen and that's why I had to drive him to physio. Trying not to think about my brother I pull up at work not sure what today going to bring but I hope it's not one of those days like doctor green eyes had. I couldn't help but see him storm the er being annoyed at himself, it looked like he was having one of those days where nothing was going right. Shaking the thought about doctor green eyes I focus on work needing all the focus I need for work.

Walking into the fire house I don't see anyone around which I don't know is a good thing or bad thing as fire houses are rarely quiet and after being here for a while I know this one is never quiet. Placing my bag in the locker room I go to look for anyone but as I come across the kitchen I hear them talking about my old unit I was with, I freeze on the spot and I just know that my heart rate as tripled thinking about it. Standing against the wall I debate with myself whether I want to listen to them talk about me or walk away but I can't just walk away when they are talking about the people I love working with, I love my old unit they was my family away from my family who was always there for me, they all meant everything to Tristan and our son Logan
"Did you know Ellie knew the firefighter who died in that building collapse, Tristan? She was even there when he died" I have no idea who's talking but I have decided to listen to them talk, sliding down against the wall I don't know what to think, I have tried so hard to move on and forget about how Tristan died and they bring it back up brings memories like I prepare to forget, it's my husband they're talking about but I guess they don't know who he is because I refused to mention anything about me and this is one of the reasons
"Do you think she knew him, like actually knew him? It could be one of the reasons why she's so quiet. She could be the reason why he died that night" listening to the conversation as tears run down my face, I don't know what to think, I honestly thought fire fighters stood by each other but the way they are talking I don't think they stand by anyone who's not in there little circle but that could just be my opinion.

Listening to the rest of the conversation I don't know what to do, I could go in there and tell them what's what but then I don't want them knowing I am Tristan's wife and now widow. Wiping away my tears I climb to my feet already decided what I'm going to do, wiping my trousers I turn the corner making sure everyone sees me and when they do, I spot three of them stop smiling and go pale, the others stare down at the floor like I didn't just catch them talking about me and my old unit. Any chance of me opening up or talking to them has gone out the window as theres curtains things no one should talk about and one of them is a fallen fire fighter

"For everyone information, Tristan risked his own life for another fire fighter. How many of you can say the same? He paid with his life and now his family are paying the price" I say looking everyone in the eyes before looking at the chief who's stood at the corner, he just walked into the room as I stepped out, grabbing an apple I roll my eyes in front of everyone before turning around and leaving, what I cant understand is why they would talk about him so badly when i'm the one who's got to save there lives when something happens to them

"Next time anyone speaks about the fallen firefighter make sure you know what you are talking about. Tristan was an amazing lieutenant and one hell of a firefighter, you all would of learned something from him" I hear the chief said but I'm already out of ear shot to hear anything else.

Tristan risked his own life for mine, I was the firefighter he saved. I don't know what happened but when I blinked I was laying on the floor and he was under the fallen roof, it was only me and Tristan left in the building when it happened. Myself and Tristan was both over the moon when I finally became a firefighter and he pushed me more then he pushed anyone, I was on the way to be coming a lieutenant when he was killed, the death killed me and my job as a firefighter so hear I stand now as a paramedic waiting outside the fire instead of running into it.
"Ambulance sixty women in distress" Listening to the intercom I head back the way I was walking, walking past the kitchen where everyone is talking but as I pass it goes quiet once again, ignoring everyone I head to the ambulance climbing in the passenger side waiting for Megan to climb in, hopefully she doesn't ask any questions as I'm not in the mood to answer any she may have.

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