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Archer pov

Spending my entire life surrounded by medical equipment and in the hospital I thought I would of chosen another career path but instead here I am working as a trauma surgeon, I pretty much run the er in the hospital I work at, its fun and everything but its tiring. I have really seen everything from the drunk types to the stuck up. Both my parents worked in the hospital and I guess I took after them but I couldn't work in the same hospital as them, however lucky me they have both retired and now travel around the world but it doesn't make it easy living with the same last name as them. Sitting in the cafeteria I have my first five minute break today it has been one of those days where I just want to curl up on one of the bed and sleep for at least an hour but I know I wouldn't even get five minutes of sleep here.

Finishing my food I hear my pager go off and the first though running in my head is at least I finished my snack, its hard to get a minute to myself sometimes but I guess I kind of liked it at the beginning as I never really had a life. Looking at the pager I head down to the er getting ready for my patient, I'm always the first to a patient unless i'm treating one, i'm easy on my feet which makes it easy for me to work when its busy. Standing outside the er I hear the ambulance before I see it and when it does come into view I see the ambulance number sixty, I have always loved seeing this ambulance as the paramedic Megan doesn't mess around, she's one of the good ones knows what she's doing. Watching as the ambulance comes to a stop I open the back doors not to find Megan treating the patient but a new paramedic in the back, I don't have time to look at her as the patient looks like its been hit by a car, but as I go to grab the patient the paramedic looks at me with those eyes that could kill

"I got this, your not killing him" I hear the women say as she brings the paddles to the mans chest and shocks him, being told to wait has never gone well with me, I don't know who the new paramedic is but she's already got an impression from all the doctor standing around while she try's to get the patient heart beat back. Hearing the heartbeat on the monitor I grab the patient and bring him into the er, I had only had a brief looks at the patient but when Megan reads her notes I cant believe that he's still alive, getting hit by a car couldn't have been good. Getting the patient into trauma one I go over the abc's before scanning his belly for fluids, just looking at him I can see his broken leg which looks broken in two places and he could possibly have a brain bleed if he hit his head, this is going to be a long night.

"I need a CT scan" I say to whoever stood behind me, I'm hoping the aneurysm hasn't ruptured causing bleeding on the brain grabbing my pager I page neuro hoping he can get a look at the CT scans when he comes down but till then I get the patient admitted, I already know its going to be a long day and I can't lose another patient. I'm not sure the age of the lad but he doesn't look much older then eighteen. Running my hand though my hair I look around the er wanting to get the patients looked at and then either taken care off or discharged.

Patient after patient I only have to wait five more minutes till I have done for the evening and honestly I can't wait especially after what the paramedic said to me about killing the patient like I would do that I'm the best trauma surgeon here and one of the best world wide. I shouldn't let the new paramedic get to me as she looks like she's only just started the job but she looked ruthless, just looking at her for a second I feel like if you double crossed her you wouldn't be standing anymore. I'm sure it was her green eyes that took my breath away when I seen her but as she was shocking the patient I saw the look of fear in her eyes, like something tragic has happened to her but from a brief chat with Megan I got nothing, Megan has spent a week with her and has nothing to say, she's a mystery wrapped in beauty. Looking at the time i'm finally off the clock, it has been one of those shifts where I cant wait to finish and thank god i'm not on call for the first time that seems like forever. I'll find any excuse not to go home but not this time i'm ready for a cold beer and a hot shower or maybe a cold one.

Enjoying the first evening I have off my mind drifts off too the green eyes paramedic which is never a good thing as she screams off limits but I never listen, I really should though. Laying in bed I try not to think about her but every time I close my eyes she appears, I haven't seen her around town or the hospital but I have definitely seen those eyes before but I cant remember where. Turning the radio on for the background noise I close my eyes once again needing the sleep knowing I have the early morning shift. all I do is work and sleep and on occasion I go to the bar for a quick drink, being a surgeon doesn't give much down time unless I changed my shift but I have nothing to do at home, my parents are always travelling and i'm an only sibling which I know I wasn't planned, I was rarely looked after if the nurses didn't take care of me when I was at the hospital with my parents, I'm sure I was an accident. Shaking the thought out my head I try to get sleep maybe hoping I see the paramedic again, she definitely cheers up my day with her personality.

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