The future

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Archer pov

Holding back I let Ellie parents see her first knowing they be worried the most but doesn't mean I like what I am doing, I should be in that room holding onto Ellie hand begging her to open those beautiful eyes of her but I know it isn't my choice, Ellie has to fight, its up to her now but am I worth the fight to her. Sitting in the most uncombable chairs I look around the waiting room still seeing all the fire fighters around and looking at me like they want to murder me and the only thing that comes to mind is that they heard exactly what I did which I don't blame them as she didn't exactly say it quietly but right now I wish she did. However before anything is said between us everyone back straightens as some one enters the room, looking up I notice its the women who treated Ellie, she doesn't say anything straight away but instead takes a seat between me and the firemen.

"I knew Ellie once an upon time and knew Tristan, I was the one who called his time off death which wasn't easy as I considered both of them my friends. After his death Ellie was a shell of a women all she did was work and watch Logan, but everyone in this room has bought her out little by little. I haven't seen her like this since Tristan. She's going to need you all when she pulls though" nodding my head I know a little about this women from what I have heard, it doesn't take a genus to know she's one hell of a doctor, I made a couple of phone calls when she was with Ellie, I needed to know she had the best and she did.

I don't get to ask any questions because before I could open my mouth Ellie parents walk in the room with a teary eyed boy, I don't know much but I know from looking at Ellie mother that she had to drag him away for a minute so I could see her. Giving Ellie's mother a head nod I head into Ellie room, opening the door I see Ellie laying there with a breathing tube down her throat, it takes me two steps to get to Ellie, I give her a kiss on the forehead before my hand goes to her belly, thinking about our little baby growing inside, I have no idea if Ellie knew but I don't know how I feel, I always wanted children but I could never find the perfect someone to have them with and I was always at work. Refusing to take my eyes off Ellie I just look at her and how peaceful she looks right now, I knew it had to be hard for her son to see her like this as looking at her now I just want her to open her eyes and tell me she loves me like I love her, I am now clear of my feelings. The second I was told it was Ellie my heart sank inside of me and my feeling towards Ellie came forward, I cant live without her and I now know how she felt when she lost Tristan, I need Ellie to pull though so I can tell her I love you.

Walking out Ellie room I let the fire fighters go and visit knowing its the right thing to do just like Ellie parents let me visit her, Ellie has a lot of people wanting her to pull though and I don't know what I am going to do if I loss her. Heading towards the locker room I just want a second to myself without someone asking me if I am ok, that question should be banned from being asked at this time, as it's a stupid questions. The person I love is fighting for her life and me being ok just makes me feel worse as I am standing here while she's not. Standing in front of my locker I let my frustration out and hit the locker not once but twice feeling all the pent up angry out knowing I should have dropped Ellie off at home before coming into work, even if I did offer to drop her off I knew she would of turned me down like I saw the look in her eyes when I gave her a key to my house, it wasn't what I meant. I just wanted her to lock up not move In with me yet.

"Archer!" I hear my name being said and I look up to see a doctor I stand In this hospital, James has always been a doctor who kept to himself and did his job well, but if he had a problem he voiced his opinion I admire him for that and we have got along. Thinking back to it he was the doctor who held me back when I found out it was Ellie who was bought Into the hospital and I don't know If I want to hit him or admire what he did knowing I would have got in the way. Dropping down on the bench I place my head in my hands thinking how such a thing can happen to more of a wonderful woman, she has already been though more then anyone I know.

"I wont ask if your ok but instead of beating the locker why don't you sit by her side and make sure she's not alone in all this, she needs you right now and if I heard right you need each other" nodding my head I head out the locker room and make my way toward her room needing to be by her side, this is my future.

"Code blue, code blue" Hearing the words I almost freeze where I am but seeing Lilly run past me I know its Ellie and I automatically follow Lilly as she head to Ellie room, the last I heard she was stable so what the fuck just happened, I want to know. Running to Ellie room I see everyone stood outside watching Lilly look her over and while she's doing that I grab Ellie chart needing to know what actually happened to her, I am a doctor though and though I may not be able to treat her but I will be there every step making sure they are doing there jobs right. Reading Ellie chart I look over everything that happened in the crash, and how she banged her head on the car, I think the worse straight away hoping she had a CT scan knowing I cant lose her. Being a bystander as they rush Ellie away I almost cant stand and do nothing but as I look around I see my chief enter the hallway, locking eyes with my chief I know he be telling me to step away but how can I step away when I know what I do.

"She's going to be ok" I almost miss someone say those words but only if they knew how much she went though in that crash.

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