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Archer pov

Clocking out of work with a smile on my face knowing no one has died i feel like I did something right today, even though my personal life isn't going the way I want it too go I still feel like the day wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. When I choice to save lives I knew it wasn't going to be easy as I will lose people, I will lose loved ones but it makes it worth it when there is a day where no one had died on my watch and that deserves a beer or two. Driving home from work I don't know what I am looking forward to the most; my bed or the beer that is waiting for me in the fridge. I have worked hard today and I deserve a drink without a care in the world. Feeling worn out I run my hand though my hair knowing I need a hair cut but cant be bothered to get one, if I am not working I am in bed from the long day I had before, my work shift is a pain but honestly at the end of the day its worth all the sweat and tears. Pulling into the drive way I grab my bag from the seat and head to the front door but I stop and nearly drop my bag as I see Ellie standing there with take out, this I could get used to but honestly when it looks to good, it might be.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ran but I panicked" understanding where she's coming from as I know it cant be easy dating again after losing a husband, even though I have never been there personally I feel like I know. Looking Ellie up and down I don't only spot the take out bag but I don't see a ring on her finger and honestly that is a massive step for her as I knew how much her husband meant to her as she spoke so highly of him. Just thinking about the missing ring does this mean she's ready to date or did she just lose it. Trying not to overthink this I let her in and leave her in the kitchen as I head upstairs to get changed into something a little comfier then work uniform, Ellie knows where the plates are and I know she help herself as she doesn't take me as someone who needs a invite. Coming back downstairs I spot two plates of Chinese food and the first thought that comes to mind again is; can this women get anymore perfect.

"Its fine I understand" I finally say after eyeing up the Chinese, I didn't know I was in the mood for it until it was in my house and starring me down, fuck. Taking the seat next to Ellie I dig into the food knowing I have hardly eaten all day with being ran off my feet, there was always something that needed doing and if I had time to myself I knew I would have been thinking about Ellie or texting her to see if she's ok, However me not thinking about her or texting her I still get a different result as if I did text her I may of pushed her away a little more instead I waited till she was ready and let her come to me.

Finished with the meal I don't know what to say or do as the last time we watched a movie and I ended up kissing her and we all know what happened next... she ran. Do I do the same thing I did last time and hope for a different out come or do I let her say something and stand there silently. Not sure what to do I end up tidying the kitchen throwing away the food we didn't eat and wipe the sides down, I am very interested in Ellie and I don't want to mess up a second chance at this, however Ellie looks as nervous as me as she stands there looking at her phone, I wonder what she's looking at. If she's here in my house she must want the same things I want and I know I can be the one to help her move forward with life and dating.

"I want a us i want us to work but I want slow" listening to Ellie tell me what she wants I find myself smiling to myself, I love when she says 'us' because I want that as well and I can totally understand why she wants to go slow however I feel like I wont live up to her late husband, I mean no one can live up to who he was but I just don't want to be that someone she's dates and then moves on knowing she's ready. Nodding my head I know It be hard to do slow but I can and I will. Running a hand though my hair once again I feel like shouting out the window that i'm dating Ellie but I don't want to rush Ellie into calling us an item as I don't know if her son knows. Logan her son is everything to her and if he doesn't like me I know its going to be hard to date Ellie.

"Slow" I say stepping forward holding Ellie hands in mine, I wont make the first move even though its killing me not to kiss those kissable lips, I have to let her come to me and that means a lot of masturbation and I wish I was joking but this women will give me the worse case of blue balls I have ever known but it be worth it to have her in my arms and in my bed. Knowing she wants to go slow I walk her back to her car like a gentlemen and kiss her on her cheek, holding myself back from wanting to drag her back to my bedroom and fuck her till she can't work but I cant and it sucks. Watching Ellie leave in her car I cant seem to stop smiling, all I ever wanted was Ellie and now I'm getting closer to having her, she is a lot better to come home to then a beer.

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