Looks like a family

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Archer pov

Agreeing to a date night with Ellie and her son Logan I thought it was going to be one of those easy evening but at first I kind of panicked as I didn't know what to do with a little child and after talking to a couple of staff members with children I have found out bowling isn't a bad place for a family gathering and honestly I thought it was a cute place to go to as I get to show Ellie my lack of bowling skills, hopefully I don't get trashed by them both. Already booked for a lane I throw a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on before climbing in my car and heading to the bowling ally, I asked Ellie if she wants picking up but she told me she meet me there, I understand wanting to drive her own children, the protectress she has for him is a reason why I like her so much, Ellie would do anything for her son. Driving to the bowling alley I listen to light music to get me in the mood as I am a little nervous about spending time with Logan, I haven't spent much time with him and I don't want to replace his father but I do like his mother and would do anything for him to like me.

Heading inside I head straight to the reception desk signing in and collecting my bowling shoes which definitely don't suit me with what looks like my clown feet hopefully I can still bowl though, collecting my shoes I head to the bowling lane waiting patiently for them both, pulling my phone out to check the time I miss a message from Ellie telling me she be five minutes, its nice to know she hasn't stood me up though. It isn't five minutes before Ellie and Logan are walking though the door and collecting there shoes, I would like to say Logan is a spitting image of his mother Ellie but he isn't, my guess he's a double of his father, I just hope he's fine with me dating his mother

"Glad you could make it" I say to them both before placing a kiss on Ellie cheek, I give Logan a smile and he returns it without a problem and the only thought running in my head is 'all good so far' I don't want to ruin this at all. Letting Logan go first Ellie helps him a little and I watch not wanting to step on anyone toes, as we play it starts to look like a family. I never thought in my life that I'll ever have a family off my own or someone to call mine, I was always busy with work but now spending time with both Ellie and Logan I can't help but think about having a child of my own, watching him; crawl, walk and talk.

Nearly tripping over my clown feet I throw the ball down the bowling lane and striking out as the ball rolls to the left and misses all the pins, I don't know how I did that but I blame it on these shoes, they are beyond evil. Turning around facing both Logan and Ellie, I see the slight laughter coming from them both I have to admit its funny but not when it happening to me. Picking up my second ball I adjust my footwork hoping I actually hit some pins this time. As the ball leaves my hands I watch it as it knocks over only three pins but its better then my pervious throw. Holding my head up Ellie gives me a wink before walking passed me and taking her turn, I should be watching the game but watching Ellie arse move in those tight jeans are making my jeans a little tight, damn these jeans.

"My uncles say I should give you a hard time but you're ok" I hear Logan say and I cant help but smile at his words and in that moment my jeans are no longer tight. If Logan thinks I am ok that must mean he doesn't mind me dating his mother well I hope not but I understand his uncles wanting him to give me a hard time as Ellie is there women and they are bound to be over protective with there sister but if Logan doesn't have a problem with me neither should his uncles, I wish I had a brother that over protective though, maybe if I did I wouldn't of made some bad judgements in the past like joining the chest team when I was in college, looking back at that I knew it was such a bad idea but worth it.

Finishing the game I honestly didn't think I would lose against them both, I would have thought I'll beat Logan at least but I wasn't even close, Ellie won and seeing her competitive side against her own son was adorable, the relationship those two have is definitely a strong one and I can happily say nothing is coming in between Ellie and her son. I have no idea what has happened for them in the past year but it has made them unstoppable and its cute. Paying for the evening I following them both outside and lead them to there car, I wait till Ellie is done making sure Logan is strapped in before her attention goes to me, I don't know if I should kiss her goodbye or still wait for her to come to me, I don't want her to run away from me again as I don't think my ego will stand for it again. As Ellie turns to me I get a smile and honestly I love seeing her smile, I hate seeing her upset or annoyed at anything, a smile like hers should be shown daily

"Thank you" before I could say she's welcome Ellie kisses me on the lips, I return the kiss which only lasts a couple of seconds before she climbs in her car and heads back home, once she's in drive she gives me a quick wave. Walking over to my car I climb in and head home the embarrassment from losing against a little child is hurting my ego a little more as I stand outside, I blame those shoes I was given but I would definitely do it again to see the smile on Logans face, the look on his face when he found out he beaten me, he never rubbed it In my face like I thought instead he gave me a smile and a high five like 'you tried your best' I definitely want a second chance to win now.

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