His last words

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Ellie pov

Arriving back to the fire house I take a seat at the table with my lunch my mother packed for me, every since I told her It was hard to eat sometime we took it upon herself to prepared me a lunch, I can take it with me to a call if I need, as she wouldn't shut up about me needing my energy I love my mother but she can definitely be overbearing when she has a point to make which is all the bloody time. Grabbing my plastic container I have a semi smile on my face as I dig in, I love my mother cooking she definitely knows how to cook and is a even better baker which the men in the fire house know as they take my cookies every time I bring them in which I don't mind honestly. Taking a fork full of chicken curry I see eyes on me and everyone looking at my meal, shaking my head I put the fork in the container and pass it around the table letting everyone have a mouth full, if mother knew that everyone loves her cooking she be here every day making it up for all of us but I wouldn't let that happen as no one wants there mother in there work place. As the container gets passed back to me I finish what is left while everyone else chats around the table, I can sit with everyone but I barely say a couple of words apart from 'ok' or 'fine' i think some of them think I'm a one worded women but I'm not I just have nothing to say. Finished my lunch I pick myself up and head to the locker room needing to put the container in my bag as if I didn't I'll forget to take it home but as I walk around the corner I hear someone

"Did you know she's a trained fire fighter? I overheard the chief talking and apparently she's very talented, one of the best so I heard" I hear someone say but I cant make out the person voice but I can't believe they never picked up on the clues I have left, I knew the chief knew all about me but I cant believe he was this stupid for another fire fighter to overhear.

"I didn't know she was training to be one, when did she pass?" not wanting to listen to any more of the conversation I leave for the locker room, needing a second to understand the last thing I heard. I'm a single parent so where would I have the time to train to become a fire fighter because if I'm not working I'm spending time with my son enjoying each second I have with him making sure he knows how much I love him. Taking a seat on the bench I close my locker but as the locker click so does the alarm, rolling my eyes I walk over to the ambulance as I hear us being called. Ignoring all the looks once again as I climb into the ambulance I can see the slight disappointment look on Megan face, I don't know what she's thinking but I know she be telling me sooner then later as she grips the steeling wheel a little tighter then usual.

Driving in silent to the scene I look out the window trying to think about what everyone will be saying once again when we get back to the fire house, I have heard only two of the fire fighter opinions of me and being a fire fighter, they was both supportive as I thought they would be but Megan on the other hand has been silent, I want to ease her mind telling her I'm not going to become a fire fighter but I don't have the time because she has jumped out the ambulance, I didn't know we had turned up at the scene until I hear Megan door being slammed shut. Thinking it was a car pile up I look at a man on the ledge ready to jump of a bridge I don't know what he's thinking but the camera crew has everything set up while a reporter talks, I cant believe they are recording this, taking my eyes from the reporter I look at the lieutenants and the chief talking about the best opinion to carry this out, I see the ring on the man's finger. Before talking to the chief about my plans I walk over to the man needing to gain his trust before doing anything else

"Hey it looks like it's going to rain, I'm Ellie" I say making sure the man can see my ring around my finger before anything else and I see him look before looking down at his feet, I step a inch closer to the man trying to get him into the conversation but what I do hear instead is the chief shouting at one of the firefighters telling them to wrap something around me but I ignore them as I keep eye contact with the man

"I guess, my day just keeps getting better" I hear him mutter under his breath before looking at me once again as I climb over to be a little closer towards him, I am aware I'm standing on the edge of the bridge but the difference between me and this man is that I have a harness wrapped around my body incase something happened which I know isn't going to. I have full trust in me and the man I'm talking to.

"Tell me whats wrong, this doesn't have to end like this" i say making sure each word is loud and clear so the man understands me, I can tell his heart isn't in this from the way he holds on as if someone really wanted to jump there would be no holding back but from looking, the man still has hope in himself and I just have to bring it out a little bit at a time, taking a quick breath I take a inch closer because if he does decided to jump I want to be there to catch him.

"My wife is dying from cancer, they told us she's running out of time. My Betty is the love of my life I cant loose her she's everything to me" listening to the man talk about his wife I can hear the pride in his voice, he definitely loves her and doesn't want to live without her and a part of me understand. I was the same way after losing my husband.

"Cancer is a bitch isn't it but the time she has left you should be spending it with her, creating memories to last while she's gone. My husband was killed in a fire, he was a firemen like these behind us and I was right there when he died as a firemen myself, I held his hand as he took his final breath he risked his life for mine and I could never forgive myself but you want to know his last words to me? His last words was 'I love you' don't you want her to hear them one more time?" I say holding my hand out for him to grab as I don't think I could have lived knowing he didn't know how much I loved him. With my hand held out I watch him take it with tears running down his face, when his hand is in mind I pull him closer and when I do the fire fighters jump on both myself and the man securing us making sure we wont jump. I feel matts hand on my back as he makes sure I don't move till I'm safe.

Being helped over from the edge of the bridge by matt I look back at the man giving him a head nod before walking in the other direction throwing the equipment around me off and storming off, I don't care where i'm walking as long as its no where near what happened. I can see the cameraman follow me as I storm off and I don't care. Right now I need a second to myself to breath. I feel like the world is swallowing me hole right now.

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