Baby steps

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Archer pov

Witnessing Ellie melt down was cute to say the less but I know she has just got back to work after the anniversary of her husband death and then her first call she loses someone, I wouldn't know how she's feeling but I couldn't imagine and I guess everyone aloud the meltdown so I made the right decision pulling her to the side so she could have it. Ellie has always hid her emotions well and when she slapped that ambulance the staff was shocked as she's so calm and collected, if it was another circumstance I would call her meltdown adorable but it is and I know she be fine. Trying not to think about her meltdown I think about our date we have together after shift, I was supposed to ask when I pulled her into an empty hallway but honestly I couldn't, she was hurting and it would have been rude of me to ask her when she was at her lowest, I may be stupid sometimes but I'm not stupid enough to ask her out when she's hurting. Lucky for me as I only have a couple more hours left of the shift before I can go home and make a home made dinner for myself and Ellie, I wouldn't normally cook on the first date but after the day Ellie has I know she just needs a food and a movie, hopefully the day has got better for her.

Just missing the rain I make it though my front door with the bag of shopping I have no clue what I am making but I have a little of everything just in case I change my mind and decide with something else, I have thought about ordering food and picking something up but I thought a home made dinner would be more cute and cheer her up a little bit more, placing the food in the fridge I take a bottle of water out of it and neck half a bottle. While thinking about what to cook I look out the window listening to the rain hit the window, I find it very peaceful as its rains. Walking back over to the fridge I pull out the salad and start cutting it all up I don't know what Ellie prefers to eat but maybe I could cook a little of everything and then if we don't eat it I have left overs for when I finish work tomorrow, I don't normally cook for myself when I am busy with work as I seem to always grab take out on my way back home and judging from my little belly fat I may have to stop soon, I think I just called myself fat however I can still see my toes so its all good for now, maybe I could start to go gym again starting with once a month. Finishing up with the food I hear the front door and looking down at what I'm wearing I am glad I changed once I got in or I would be opening the door to Ellie wearing my work uniform as I was too excited to get changed at the hospital before I left.

"I bought wine" I hear Ellie say as she holds up a bottle of red looking like her cute self I don't know how she looks this beautiful after a day of work but fuck me she looks good enough to eat right now and with that thought my jean have suddenly got a little tight around the zip. Thinking about anything else I take the bottle of wine from Ellie and pour us both a glass each, I know Ellie is driving home so she wouldn't accept a second glass of me but it doesn't mean I cant have a second one if I need it. Taking Ellie coat I hang it up while she takes a seat by the kitchen just looking at her now she doesn't look like she's holding onto the women she lost earlier on, I hope the day did get better for her. Following Ellie I take a seat next to her I have waited to ask her out and I know she wasn't ready but as I'm looking at her now its like she's half ready and a part of her isn't sure if she ever be ready.

"Dinner shouldn't be long, I couldn't decide what to make" I say checking the oven to make sure its not over cooking as I hate for the food to be dry especially the chicken, I am not a good cook but I would do anything just to see a smile on Ellie face, like the first day I saw her I knew I wanted her and now she's in my kitchen drinking wine and waiting our food to be done.

"Its fine honestly it has been a while since I have had a home cooked meal by someone who isn't my parents" she laughs once she finished her sentence and I just sit there smiling as her laugh is adorable, she doesn't cover her mouth as she laughs like most girls I have dated, I don't know why girls do it as its a little obviously but everything about Ellie is nature even her hair, she doesn't have fake clips in or whatever they are called. Laughing and smiling with Ellie is what I want as I place our food on our plate, I didn't know I needed her till tonight and now I want to make her mine, even if I have to go at her pace I'll wait for her after all she's worth it.

Taking a sip of my wine I take a look at Ellie hoping she enjoyed my home cooked meal however I can't read her face as she finishes her mouth full, trying not to look to open I take another sip of my wine while Ellie takes a sip of her water, I love a women who knows her limits and that what Ellie does as she had one glass of wine and without asked she went straight onto water. I don't have a type of women but just sitting with Ellie I think a women like her might just be my type. Finished with our dinner we both take a seat on the couch as I put a comedy on the tv, Ellie has her feet up making herself at home, I don't know how she does it but the living room just seems to fit around her like she belongs here, Ellie is a definitely cutie. Cuddled up to each other while watching the movie I find myself not actually watching but thinking about this, how Ellie just fits in my arms, I didn't think I would be happy with someone by my side but more time I spend with Ellie I know I wouldn't be happy with just anyone but with Ellie, I just want to be someone to someone and maybe that could be Ellie.

Helping Ellie to her feet after they fell asleep under her I hold her hand making sure she's steady, normally people fake about being steady on there feet so they can be hold but in this moment Ellie isn't one of them, I don't know why I keep comparing Ellie to fakes but I guess its just that I have to keep reminding myself that Ellie is real. Holding Ellie steady her eyes lock with mine and I find myself inching closer to her, and before I know it my lips have connected with hers, I half expect her to push me away but instead I find her kissing me back. My hands move from her hips to her neck as I pull her into me and all of a sudden she stops and then pulls away. I open my eyes to see Ellie grabbing her coat and making a run for it leaving me standing there, I don't want to say this has ever happened to me but fuck me it just has, was my kissing that bad? Moving to the door I lock it before moving back to the kitchen for that wine trying to think what just happened. My poor ego is a little wounded but as I brush what just happened off I find myself taking a seat on the couch downing my soul in the bottle of wine.

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