The Mirror

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I was throwing dirty clothes
In the hamper in the closet
When I saw the dress,
Hiding in the shadows,
Almost out of sight.
I pulled it out of the closet
And off the hanger
To admire the perfect blend of sophistication and casualness,
Brought together by the union
Of white lace and shiny black cloth that ripples under my fingers.
So long has it hung in the closet,
Yet so beautiful and pristine...
Seized with a desire to feel that cool cloth on my skin,
I pull the dress over my head,
Sweep my hair over my shoulder--
And step in front of the mirror.
And for a split second,
I don't see me.
I don't see the tall awkward girl who is overly fond of sweats and hoodies--
I don't see the girl who hangs off by herself away from the crowd--
I don't see a quiet, reserved girl afraid to talk to strangers--
For once, my hair actually looks decent,
And the shadows make me look way more curvy than I know I am.
I reach over to my dresser,
And pull out one of my favorite necklaces,
And fasten it around my neck.
As the silver oval pendent and little silver pine cone rest against my throat,
I feel different.
More confident.
Like I could take on the world--
Confront anyone,
Talk to anyone,
Love and be loved by anyone.

Then the vision's gone,
And I'm me again--
Standing in front of the mirror,
Wearing a pretty dress,
And feeling strangely empty inside.

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