Bedtime Story

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"Yes, dear?"

"Tell me a story."


Before I met your father,

I was in love with someone else.

Oh, don't look so shocked.

I was young and impulsive.


He charmed me,

slipped right under my guard,

and made me catch my breath.

I thought it was harmless at first, but.......



"You stopped."

*Clears throat* "Sorry darling."

He had a beautiful smile,

and a quiet charm that calmed me.

But he was older than me,

so I tried to keep it a secret.

Remember how I told you that I went to Europe when I was younger?

Well, he went on the trip with us,

and those short days felt like a forbidden romance that was just too good to be true.

"Was it, Mommy?"

"Yes, darling, it was."

I thought I was in love.

But once we came home,

I didn't exist to him anymore.

He broke my heart,

and found somebody else that was beguiled by his charm.

Within 6 months,

I heard rumors that they were getting ready to start a life of their own—

she put college on hold,

and they began to talk of moving to Virginia together.

I was heartbroken for a long time,

before I realized that it wasn't my fault.

There was nothing I did wrong,

and he was never going to come back to me.

"So when did you meet Daddy?"

"Hush sweetie, I haven't gotten to that part yet!" *Laughs*

"That's my favorite part!"

"Alright..." *Smiles*

I'll never forget the first time I saw your father.

I was a couple of years out of high school,

tired of working and ready for a new adventure.

We were at a concert,

and he was standing in front of me,

so tall I could hardly see over him!

I knocked into him when someone behind me shoved me,

and he turned around smiled at me.

He asked me out,

we fell in love, got married, honeymooned in Alaska,

and then we had you!

*Yawns* "Mommy, tell me—" *Yawns* "—another story."

*Laughs* "You need to get some sleep, hun."

"Ok." *Yawns* "Goodnight Mommy. Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight honey. Baby says goodnight."


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