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The viola music soothes my soul, and I feel invisible. The somber melody matches the slow beat of my lonely heart. I lean back and close my eyes as my body fades away, and I become one with the music as the bow of the viola sings from the strings of my heart. Without speaking a word, it plays the tune of my thoughts, thoughts I can't even begin to comprehend or solidify. It's like my emotions are a swirling cloud of colors that haven't been named or discovered. I reach out to touch one, but it dances out of my fingertips, taunting me with its intangible beauty. Everything slowly fades away- the thought of your smile, the timbre of your laugh, and the harmonious beauty of your eyes- until I pull my consciousness so deep into my core that all I open my eyes to is the swirling color. Nothing is tangible, and nothing is real. I cannot think, I cannot speak, I cannot feel. I can only be.

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