All I Wanted

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It was all I thought I wanted,

just to belong to him.

All I wanted was to be wanted,

needed and loved and cared for,

because too long had I sat benighted,

filled with a loneliness and despair that only I could see.


I didn't want to place all my happiness on one person,


All I wanted was something real,

something to hold onto and fight for.

Is it self-pity to think you deserve a shot at happiness?

Maybe it is,

but the longing is innate and I cannot help it,

just like I cannot suppress the longing that I felt.


I'm not ashamed of what I felt.

I can see now that all I thought I wanted was distorted and twisted,

seen through a curtain of illusion,

because I wanted him so badly that I saw one thing and created everything else in my mind.

Falling in love with him was like a blessing and a curse,

and although it was caused me almost infinite pain,

it's changed me for the better.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

And that's all I ever wanted--

to be caught in a fire,

but come out not unscathed but stronger.

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