for who i am

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if you could see me now,

lying on my bed

home alone with the windows open and the lights dim,

in a comfy shirt and pajama shorts,

with a messy braid and tired eyes,

tasting thoughts of you on my tongue

and composing meaningless serenades to you in my head,

would you love me?

if you saw me when no one else does,

when i come home from a long night at work,

and my mind keeps my exhausted body awake

as i whisper to myself and the moonlight streaming in,

or when the loneliness breaks my heart

and i cry into my pillow,

would you love me?

if you saw me past the facade that i put up for everyone else,

if you saw that i'm hurting under my smile,

if you saw me relaxed and happy and myself for once in my life,

would you love me?

because i have never seen past your facade,

never heard any of your secrets,

never heard what makes your heart beat,

and i might already be in too deep.

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