When I See You / A Phantom Kiss

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When I see you,
Will there be thunder in the sky?
Bells ringing through the air?
Sunlight illuminating you?

When I see you,
Will the stars fall into place?
Will the heavens line up?
And the seasons change?

When I see you,
Will the grey turn into color?
Will sadness turn to joy?
Will grief bend over on itself and die?

Or will I simply catch your eye,
And catch my breath
As my heart beats a little faster?

Will my heart sigh,
And whisper to me,
"This is the one you've been waiting for"?

Or will I not even know you,
Or the way you'll capture my heart,
And just walk past you in the street?

Maybe I already have....
And what I thought was the breeze caressing my face
Was actually a phantom kiss?

When I see you,
Will I know?

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