"you embarrass me"

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"you embarrass me."

yeah, well what else is new?

you've never been one to keep your mouth shut.

it's like you have a journal of all the terrible things you can say to me.

i'm not perfect--

far from it--

and i make a lot of mistakes,

but you take a sick pleasure in making me re-live every single one

every single day.

you've made it clear to me that i'm a failure,

that you're disgusted by me,

and that you're counting the days until i'm gone

(you've threatened to kick me out multiple times).

you prefer all my siblings and my sisters-in-law over me.

like i said--

you don't beat around the bush.

it's quite clear that you hate me,

considering every single fight and disagreement is singlehandedly my fault.

it's always my fault, 

because you're always right,

and apparently God is on your side--

because i'm such a terrible person and a horrible sinner--

naturally you're always right and a perfect angelic role model of godliness.

because it never matters what's going on with me,

or how i feel,

or how f***ing terrible you make me feel on a daily basis.

it's all about you.

it always is.

and it's always me who's selfish,

rude and "immature".

you wonder why i'm so upset all the time.

i know you hate me mom.

now it's due time for me to return the favor.

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