To My Very Bestest Friend

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You know how everyone always sorta wonders in the back of their minds what people really think of them, how they would be described to others behind their backs? Well, dear friend, look no further.


her eyes light up when she smiles.

with her messy blond hair pulled into a bun or a braid,

i can spot her easily among a crowd.

she's WAY more hipster than i could ever be,

and she makes hand-me-downs and goodwill finds look brand new.

yeah, she's short,

but her beautiful personality fills up the room.

to others, she's quiet, soft-spoken, and the typical shy that seems to run in her family.

but to me, she is the goofiest, loudest, most adventurous person i know,

always ready to go somewhere, binge on sherlock, listen to me mope about my life, or mope to me about her's.

she's always there for me, and cares for me like nobody else does.

with her, i can just be me—

no hiding, no shame—

just me.

and i can't tell her how much i treasure that.

one of my favorite things to do is watch or listen to her play guitar or bass.

she gets so lost in the moment,

and such a look on her face and in her eyes of absolute rapture

that i just want to delve into her soul and follow her to where ever she's going.

she's light-years ahead of me musically,

but always takes the time to show me new tricks—

even if it means writing tab on a napkin.

she goes out of her way for me,

and i hope i'm as good a friend to her as she is to me.

because i absolutely love her to death,

and she is my very bestest and truest friend.

i love you ash. 


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