My Imperfections

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That's all you see, isn't it?

All my flaws and broken pieces?

You say I'm heading down the road of darkness.

You think me capable of completely screwing up my life as soon as I leave.

Don't you have any faith in me?

No, you don't-- it's pretty easy to see.

You say "Oh, I've been there before, and so was your brother..."

Don't you see that generalization is making everything worse?

This is not a phase.

It's not going to get any better.

Because the reason I live in the darkness is because of abandonment.

Everyone has abandoned me.

They let me get just close enough to feel safe and secure, and then they leave.

Siblings, parents, cousins, friends-- it's everyone.

So why should I trust you and tell you what's wrong?

Why should I care about you if you're just going to up and leave me?

And so every day, I crack a little more.

Because that's all anyone ever talks to me about.

That's all they mention is my shortcomings, my failures, and they belittle my pain.

Don't you think I see all those flaws and hate them 10x more than you do?!

Why don't you understand?!

When all you ever receive from people that you love is criticisms and jabs...

Now that's all that people see when they look at me-- my imperfections.

And if that's how I look to you, then please don't look at all.

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