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I'm not heartless,

because I still have a heart.

I'm not empty,

because I'm full of pain.

I'm not alive,

because my mind lives in the past.

I know I shouldn't hate her,

and I don't,

but I can't stop comparing.

I can't stop thinking "what if" and why--

why I fell in love with you,

why you left me in the cold,

why she's so much better than me.


I almost starting crying,

in a room full of people,

because I saw you playing on stage,

and the look on your face was beautiful.

I've always had a thing for hands, 

and yours are no exception.

They're strong,

masculine, and warm.

They're confident, 

and whisper of fire and courage in their grip.

I think hands can tell a lot about a person,

so as I watched the hands of one of the two best bass players I know,

I felt them in mine again. 

The tears started pricking my eyes,

and I wanted nothing more than to run out of that room,

and find a corner somewhere to cry in.

But I can't--

because I have to be strong.

I have to pretend I don't care.

I have to pretend that you didn't break my heart and ruin my life 8 months ago.

I have to pretend that every time I'm in front of a mirror,

I don't wish that you think I'm beautiful.

I have to pretend that I'm indifferent, 

over it,

and happy to be single.

But what I realized today that completely terrified me?

I might still be in love with you.

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