Fourth Wheel

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How do you define a friend?

I feel I've always had a pretty strict interpretation--

So when she said that the four of us were friends,

I always disagreed.

Do friends go off and leave you alone?

Do friends shut you out of conversations with millions of inside jokes they never care to explain?

Do friends make you wonder why you even agreed to come?

Do friends slowly and surely isolate you,

Then one day pretend to know you again out of the blue?

I don't think so.

So after a while,

Whenever the four of us were thrown within six feet of each other,

I found myself withdrawing before you two would even notice me.

I wanted us to be friends--

I really did.

But how could I try to connect with two people who preferred my friend,

Preferred to pretend that I didn't exist,

And preferred to strengthen old bonds instead of making new ones?


It got to the point when I just couldn't take being ignored and slighted anymore.

And it hurt me,

Just a little bit,

Because I had always wanted to be friends--

You two were risk-takers,


And adventurous,

Everything she was not,

And I was longing for adventure,

I still do.

But you two weren't worth it,


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