Please / Leave Me Alone

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leave me alone--

just let me be.


don't touch me--

I don't want to let you in.

Because all I am is just one big grenade

of brokenness, agony, and scars.


don't love me--

because I'm a time-bomb,

and every morning I wake up closer to the breaking point.


don't pretend to understand or love me--

because I know what you don't care.

And why should you?

All you do is torment, oppress, and blackmail me,

and then expect me to love you.

All you do is hate, shun, and yell at me because I disappoint you,

and then expect me to accept your "help".

All you do is moan about how I'm such a burden, and how you wish I wasn't so difficult,

and then expect me to believe that you love me.

Ha! What a joke.


let me live on my own.

Don't talk to me.

Don't touch me.

Don't love me.

I want to be independent,

and free from anyone else,

because every time I've opened myself up,

I've been mutilated,

torn apart,

and left a bloody mess.

Love exists in every world but mine.

And you wonder why I have these walls of stone.

Because I can name every single person that's cut me into pieces,

and I'll never trust again.

So please--

leave me alone.

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