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They say the visions
Can torture you to madness--
Because you lose the ability
To discern reality from fantasy,
And right from wrong.
I thought I'd found the one.
I thought he was everything I'd ever wanted.
I thought maybe this was right--
That it was meant to be.
But every time I got close,
He'd flicker,
And I couldn't dispel the doubt.
But I'd just push it away,
Because I wanted him so badly.
I pushed away reality,
Shoved aside my instincts,
And dove headfirst into a daydream.
And when I finally got close enough,
Close enough to touch him,
My hand passed right through him,
Like he was made of nothing,
And the whole world I'd sworn I'd seen
disappeared before my eyes--
Leaving me bitter and furious with myself
For living in a daydream.
Everything I thought he was,
Everything I thought he did,
Everything I thought he felt,
None of it was real.
And I was left in the dark--
The only one who was fooled.
And the worst part is this--
Deep down,
I knew it wasn't real.
The way he shimmered when the sun hit his smile--
He was too good to be true,
But I believed him anyways.
So who do I have to blame hit myself??
Everyone thinks they're smart enough
To withstand the temptations of a mirage,
Until they're faced with one
They can't turn away from,
And all they can do is fall in love with nothing,
As they're eaten from the inside out.

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