The Way I Leave

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I like to leave when nobody's looking.
I like to leave without goodbyes,
When everyone's eyes are focused on someone else.
I like to leave quietly,
And without a reason.

I like to leave before the pain becomes too much,
Before the feelings become too real.
Some might say
It's the coward's way out,
But I'm just protecting my heart.

I hate being the center of attention,
And I wish I could meld more easily into the dark.
I like to stay in the shadows,
And watch the world go by.

I'm not one for big parties and gatherings,
Because you can never slip away
Without someone first noticing,
And then dragging you into a conservation.

I might leave questions in my wake.
I might leave things unresolved.
I might leave angry and hurt.
I might just leave without a reason.

I might just be running away.
But that's the way I leave.

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